Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Thank God parents dah balik yayyy no more wake up early in the morning. Haha and alhamdulillah Tokki is just fine. Mama said, after operation Tokki macam lebih ceria mama tengok. Takde la suram je macam dulu. I'm soooo glad to hear that ^^

Oh I listened to SJ's 4th Repackaged album. The songs were great! Daebakkk! <3 A short journey. A song from Eunhae to Kangin. Okay sumpah menangis. There's a lot of Kangin's voice in that song. Pffhh! Why did you have to go? Whyyyyy? T____T

Donghae, hotness overload! <3

Okay enough spamming about them. Their songs really makes my day! Boleh mimpi indah sekejap lagi :D

Oh btw I'm going out with Qusya tomorrow! Woots! ^^ Going to meet her for the 1st time since we've been a goodfriends for about 3years and more I guess. Quite long, isn't it. That is whyyy I'm so freaking excited! :D

Alright til then ~

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Get stucked with this video. *drools. Keep on playing it before I went to sleep. Video of Donghae singing this song and also the song sang by Craig David himself. I do think that Donghae did better than Craig. I mean Donghae's voice was really fit with this song. LOL sorry to Craig David fans. No offense ^^

You Don't Miss Your Water (Til The Well Runs Dry) by Craig David.

As I sail with you across the finest oceans
On our way to find the key to our emotions
Together will me move the clouds to brighter days
Some people question what I say
Try to break up you and me

But I know this love between us is growing stronger
You can call me whenever, from wherever just remember that
I'll be there through all the stormy weather
Us break up never, no, we'll be together forever

You dont miss your water till the well runs dry
But I believe so strongly with you and I
Can somebody answer me the question why?
You dont miss your water till the well runs dry

As I close my eyes, sit back while reminiscing
Of when we used to fuss and fight but end up kissing
There may be sad and painful times along the way
But in my heart you'll always be everything and more to me

For I know this love between us is growing stronger
You can call me wheneer, from wherever just remember that
I'll be there throught all the stormy weather
Us break up never, no, we'll be together forever

You dont miss your water till the well runs dry
But i believe so strongly with you and i
Can somebody answer me the question why?
You dont miss your water till the well runs dry

*Now I can go to sleep peacefully. Going to meet him in my Lalaland ^^

What a day.

Ok I sleep quite late last night. Mama and Ayah were away to Johor since two days ago. Tokki's matter. So I have to take care of my little sisters which I can say that they're quite annoying. Well sometimes. But they helped me a lot. Thanks adik2ku sayang :)

I woke up several times this morning. Phone calls from ayah and also an unknown number. Ignored all of it. Jihan too. Keep on waking me up. Grrr! But as usual, I'm using my 5minutes tactic. "Kak fajin bangun laaa cepat turun bawah" Then I was like, "Hm alaaaa kejap la 10minit" LOL. Not using 5minutes anymore. It is not enough I think. And been like that for how many times tah. Ok sumpah mengantuk tak larat gila nak bangun. Last2 terjaga and it was like 1pm HAHA. And I saw Jihan laid on my leg, sleeping. Poor her. Penat kejut eh sampai tertidur sekali? :D

Then I waked them up. Asked them what they wanted to eat today for lunch. Planned on bringing them to Aeon Bukit Tinggi. Okayy here's our conversation...

Shamine & Jihan ; Eee dah la mengigau tadi [baru je bangun dah cakap macam ni. ceh siot betul]
Me ; Asal pulakkkk? Mana ada menipu je.
Jihan ; Iya laaa tak percaya tanya Shamine.
Me ; Yeke? Kak fajin cakap apa?
Jihan ; Kitorang dah bangun tadi lepastu tiba2 Kak fajin cakap, "Habistu kau nak makan apa? Kaki kucing? Cuba la fikir sikit"
Me ; Hah? Tipuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Shamine & Jihan ; Eh betul laaaa kitorang saksi kot.
Jihan ; Entah dah la kuat gila cakap. Terkejut tengok. Jihan ingat Kak fajin cakap dengan siapa. Bila tengok mata pejam [while laughing hardly over me]
Me ; *Siot punya adik. Eleh biar laa mana Kak fajin seda

Ok and they keep on teasing me. Hey stop it okayyy. Oh buli Kak fajin ehh. Siap la korang! Haha teringat pula masa kat Sri Ayu. My roommates semua cakap saya kuat mengigau. Every morning mesti ada cerita. Satu rumah tawu. Aduhh malunya. Lepastu bahan tak sudah. Hahaha ^^

But basically I had fun today with them. Gonna missed them bila balik Bangi nanti. Hwaaaaaaaaa nak cuti lagi!!!!! :(

Oh btw Ayah texted me just now. He said the doctors are going to cut Tokki's leg due to the spreading of the diabetic bacteria err something like that. Sorry saya tak taktau bab2 medic ni. Oh God I'm praying for Tokki's health. May he recover soon! Ok sumpah risau and takut. Hopefully things will be fine. Just fine. Insyaallah..

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lee Donghae.

Did you know that you stole my heart away? Don't make your innocence face please. Just come back here and be with me. You're torturing me okay seriously. I hate you for making me so in love with you. Without stalking you for one day is enough to make me feel suck. What spell did you gave me honey?

Ok this video is a fancam from Super Show 2 in Malaysia last March. Talking bout ss2 really makes me fall sick! Rinduuuuuu sampai sakit hati. I really wished that night would never end. Sumpah nak dorang ada depan mata for all the time!

Yaaa~ Donghae oppa! Why you are too hard to resist huh? I am crazily in love with you okay seriously boleh gila. For god's sake!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Si gedik.

Oh lupa nak bagitau tadi Farah ajak skype. She showed us around her room. Ok kau shopping lagi kat sana? Ceit! Tak pernah berubah. But seriously, one shirt for 10RM? Lols. First time ok dengar even kat Malaysia pun tak dapat harga macam tu. Nak pergi sanaaaaa!!!!!

And oh, perlu ke kau makan crunchy depan kitorang? Grrr! Lepastu buat muka cacat kau tu kan HAHA rindu la gila! Balik cepat jangan mengada nak shopping je kat sana. Study lah! :P

Insanely retards.

I watched this one video just now. A video that showed a bitch tramples over a weak kitten. I think the kitten is sick. Poor the kitten. Ok what a crazy attitude when she urghh! I can't explain it by words. Sumpah kalau video tu still ada dah suruh korang tengok sendiri. At first when she stepped her feet on the kitten's body we were like, WTF. Jihan's already cried. Totally burst. While Shamine and me, close our eyes with both of our hand. Tak sanggup nak tengok. Kesian. Pedih. Sakit. Sedih. Semua ada. From what I've clearly saw is that the girl put on her heels into the kitten's mouth and also, the kitten's eyes. Babi kann? I closed my eyes quickly and I heard the kitten's meow-ing seems like she/he was soooo in pain. Oh goshh it trembled my heart. Seriously. Bodoh nak mampus perempuan tu. And lastly she stepped on the face sampai hancur and eyeballs terkeluar. Pfft!! Ok that was absolutely pathetic! She is wayy out of control and I swear to God to punish her exactly the way she tortured the kitten.

And she laughed. Yes she laughed over the kitten's dead body. OMG do you think it's cool? Yeah IT IS COOL WHEN YOU ARE IN HELL and I am pretty sure that you really belongs to it.

Sumpah bodoh kau spoil mood aku FAHAM! This is such a worst nightmare to us seriously tak boleh lupa sampai Jihan menangis banyak kali sebab teringat. Sorry Jihan but I have no idea that the video is really that terrible. Ingatkan video apa ish sumpah menyesal tengok.

Ok Fajin please just get this out of your mind alright? Think about Donghae. His killer smile that melts your heart. And his heaven voice that could make you angau for the rest of your life. Aww I'm in love ^^

That's great. Ok now you can go to sleep. Meet Donghae in my lalaland ^^
Bonne nuit~

p/s : semua orang please sayang kucing ok lepas ni if tak suka pun jangan la sepak ke apa tolonglah.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cant. Get. Over. With. This.


I played this video on my iPod every night before I went to sleep. Wajib, ok. It was like, Donghae gave me a real kiss before I went to sleep and he take care of me while I'm sleeping LOL :P

I am so in love with you. Saya cinta awak FAHAM. Hahaha ^^

Monday, June 14, 2010


Well, not much of a thing actually. But this thing really bothered my mind. Gosh get out, will you?

Its about him. He texted me last wednesday after been missing for a while. I'm getting used to it actually so I don't really care whether he's around or not. While texting, he asked me whether I'm free or not this saturday. I said I'm not sure yet. Maybe busy and maybe not. Kenapa eh? And he said he wanted to ask me out. I replied that I have no money at all [well actually malas nak keluar pun ada :P] But then he was like, alaa jom la i rindu u nih. Then I was like, erkk? I keep on giving excuses but he wouldn't accept it. In fact, he kept on begging me to go out with him. Ok dah pelik. I asked him, is everything alright? Do you have problems or anything? If you do, you can share it with me. And he said that he's just fine and he really missed me. Dah lama rindu you. Err boleh tak nak geli sekejap? Haha it's kinda awkward, you know.

After been arguing for quite long, he finally gave up. I said to him, if dah rindu sangat jumpa dalam mimpi je lah senang. I'll wait for you there, alright? Haha actually dah malas nak layan since I have to wake up very early tomorrow. I don't call it as tomorrow cause it's already 5.30am that time. Dah elok2 je 3am nak tido but dia punya pasal dah lambat. Bangun2 je mata bengkak sebelah haha boleh takk.

And just now, he sulked. I asked him you kenapa ni actually? He said that I don't want to go out with him so dia nak merajuk. And taknak kawan. I was like, whatthehell is wrong with him huh? Come on, I need the old arep. I tak biasa bila you macam ni. I missed you bullying me. And tease around with me. Just cut off those craps, will you? It's awkward. The situation now is really awkward. Haih.

Oh forgot to say. Err I don't know how you guys would react on this but seriously masa I refused to go out with him tu I had a strong reason. I really think that Donghae is my current bf and he's there watching me so I have to be faithful to him. What a good gf I am, right? Yes I do know that thank you :P

So now I'm just let him be. Suka hati dia lah nak merajuk ke apa. Nanti ok sendiri la tu so tak payah susah2 nak pujuk HAHA. And here his text come. Malas nak reply. Nak layan my sexy fishy. Sorry you. Lain hari, ya? :D

One week.

Dear my skinny sister...

Yeah, it's been one week since you left to Scotland. I feel lonely without having you around. Yes indeed. Your absence really proves that I can't live with you being far away from me. Before sending you off to airport last week, I promised myself not to cry. But when seeing that you are really leaving, I can't take it anymore. When you're about to leave, you wanted to hug me, right? I refused to do so. Cause I don't want you to leave. But then I have to. Cause I know that I couldn't stop you. The moment when you hugged me, I can't help myself but to cry. I really burst. Shit. I really don't want to cry ok. Hey I am strong, how on Earth makes me cried that hard? Pfft.

You laughed. Maybe you're shocked to see me cried in front of you. But who cares? Those tears were just, out of control. It comes out naturally. I cried so much til I had a headache. Gahh. Dah la taknak stop. Sampai kat tempat makan pun those tears were still out. I have no idea why.

One year is quite long for me. Well actually very long. Just imagine, in one day many things could happen so what about one year? *Sigh. I miss the times that we spent together. Shopping is our passion, absolutely. But I have to admit that you are wayy more scarier than me. You are totally a shopping freak! Mama said, "farah kena cari husband yg lagi kaya dari dia, kalau tak memang tak cukup duit dia utk shopping". LOL ^^

Remember this?

Another thing is, sumpah aku tak boleh lupa time kat Pavi haritu. Ingat incident kejar-mengejar Super Junior. Stalked them from the end of the concert sampai la dorg left to the airport. So for this upcoming Super Show 3 aku nak buat semua tu dengan siapa? Tell me! If I could drive the car to stalk them pun tak guna. Aku taktau jalan ok. Not as well as you :(

Now Jihan & Shamine accompany me every night. But it's still not the same. They can't replace you. But I am glad that I had them. It's just, I hate being the eldest among them. If anything happened, I am the one to be blamed. Mama cakap aku ajar dorg benda yg tak elok. Super Junior lah apa lah sampai dorg tak belajar. Hey I'm just doing my things ok. Tak ajak pun, dorang yg datang sendiri. Hm see?

Well, actually I do have loads of things to say but only this that I could think off for now. Taknak la cakap banyak sangat kang kau perasan lebih susah pulak :P Dah, take a good care of yourself there. Keep mailing me ok! Kau hilang siap kau! Oh btw if Family Outing and Come to Play dah ada full subs let me know ok. Tehee :D

p/s : Donghae is mine. He will forever be! :P