Monday, June 14, 2010

One week.

Dear my skinny sister...

Yeah, it's been one week since you left to Scotland. I feel lonely without having you around. Yes indeed. Your absence really proves that I can't live with you being far away from me. Before sending you off to airport last week, I promised myself not to cry. But when seeing that you are really leaving, I can't take it anymore. When you're about to leave, you wanted to hug me, right? I refused to do so. Cause I don't want you to leave. But then I have to. Cause I know that I couldn't stop you. The moment when you hugged me, I can't help myself but to cry. I really burst. Shit. I really don't want to cry ok. Hey I am strong, how on Earth makes me cried that hard? Pfft.

You laughed. Maybe you're shocked to see me cried in front of you. But who cares? Those tears were just, out of control. It comes out naturally. I cried so much til I had a headache. Gahh. Dah la taknak stop. Sampai kat tempat makan pun those tears were still out. I have no idea why.

One year is quite long for me. Well actually very long. Just imagine, in one day many things could happen so what about one year? *Sigh. I miss the times that we spent together. Shopping is our passion, absolutely. But I have to admit that you are wayy more scarier than me. You are totally a shopping freak! Mama said, "farah kena cari husband yg lagi kaya dari dia, kalau tak memang tak cukup duit dia utk shopping". LOL ^^

Remember this?

Another thing is, sumpah aku tak boleh lupa time kat Pavi haritu. Ingat incident kejar-mengejar Super Junior. Stalked them from the end of the concert sampai la dorg left to the airport. So for this upcoming Super Show 3 aku nak buat semua tu dengan siapa? Tell me! If I could drive the car to stalk them pun tak guna. Aku taktau jalan ok. Not as well as you :(

Now Jihan & Shamine accompany me every night. But it's still not the same. They can't replace you. But I am glad that I had them. It's just, I hate being the eldest among them. If anything happened, I am the one to be blamed. Mama cakap aku ajar dorg benda yg tak elok. Super Junior lah apa lah sampai dorg tak belajar. Hey I'm just doing my things ok. Tak ajak pun, dorang yg datang sendiri. Hm see?

Well, actually I do have loads of things to say but only this that I could think off for now. Taknak la cakap banyak sangat kang kau perasan lebih susah pulak :P Dah, take a good care of yourself there. Keep mailing me ok! Kau hilang siap kau! Oh btw if Family Outing and Come to Play dah ada full subs let me know ok. Tehee :D

p/s : Donghae is mine. He will forever be! :P

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