Thursday, June 17, 2010

Insanely retards.

I watched this one video just now. A video that showed a bitch tramples over a weak kitten. I think the kitten is sick. Poor the kitten. Ok what a crazy attitude when she urghh! I can't explain it by words. Sumpah kalau video tu still ada dah suruh korang tengok sendiri. At first when she stepped her feet on the kitten's body we were like, WTF. Jihan's already cried. Totally burst. While Shamine and me, close our eyes with both of our hand. Tak sanggup nak tengok. Kesian. Pedih. Sakit. Sedih. Semua ada. From what I've clearly saw is that the girl put on her heels into the kitten's mouth and also, the kitten's eyes. Babi kann? I closed my eyes quickly and I heard the kitten's meow-ing seems like she/he was soooo in pain. Oh goshh it trembled my heart. Seriously. Bodoh nak mampus perempuan tu. And lastly she stepped on the face sampai hancur and eyeballs terkeluar. Pfft!! Ok that was absolutely pathetic! She is wayy out of control and I swear to God to punish her exactly the way she tortured the kitten.

And she laughed. Yes she laughed over the kitten's dead body. OMG do you think it's cool? Yeah IT IS COOL WHEN YOU ARE IN HELL and I am pretty sure that you really belongs to it.

Sumpah bodoh kau spoil mood aku FAHAM! This is such a worst nightmare to us seriously tak boleh lupa sampai Jihan menangis banyak kali sebab teringat. Sorry Jihan but I have no idea that the video is really that terrible. Ingatkan video apa ish sumpah menyesal tengok.

Ok Fajin please just get this out of your mind alright? Think about Donghae. His killer smile that melts your heart. And his heaven voice that could make you angau for the rest of your life. Aww I'm in love ^^

That's great. Ok now you can go to sleep. Meet Donghae in my lalaland ^^
Bonne nuit~

p/s : semua orang please sayang kucing ok lepas ni if tak suka pun jangan la sepak ke apa tolonglah.

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