Monday, June 14, 2010


Well, not much of a thing actually. But this thing really bothered my mind. Gosh get out, will you?

Its about him. He texted me last wednesday after been missing for a while. I'm getting used to it actually so I don't really care whether he's around or not. While texting, he asked me whether I'm free or not this saturday. I said I'm not sure yet. Maybe busy and maybe not. Kenapa eh? And he said he wanted to ask me out. I replied that I have no money at all [well actually malas nak keluar pun ada :P] But then he was like, alaa jom la i rindu u nih. Then I was like, erkk? I keep on giving excuses but he wouldn't accept it. In fact, he kept on begging me to go out with him. Ok dah pelik. I asked him, is everything alright? Do you have problems or anything? If you do, you can share it with me. And he said that he's just fine and he really missed me. Dah lama rindu you. Err boleh tak nak geli sekejap? Haha it's kinda awkward, you know.

After been arguing for quite long, he finally gave up. I said to him, if dah rindu sangat jumpa dalam mimpi je lah senang. I'll wait for you there, alright? Haha actually dah malas nak layan since I have to wake up very early tomorrow. I don't call it as tomorrow cause it's already 5.30am that time. Dah elok2 je 3am nak tido but dia punya pasal dah lambat. Bangun2 je mata bengkak sebelah haha boleh takk.

And just now, he sulked. I asked him you kenapa ni actually? He said that I don't want to go out with him so dia nak merajuk. And taknak kawan. I was like, whatthehell is wrong with him huh? Come on, I need the old arep. I tak biasa bila you macam ni. I missed you bullying me. And tease around with me. Just cut off those craps, will you? It's awkward. The situation now is really awkward. Haih.

Oh forgot to say. Err I don't know how you guys would react on this but seriously masa I refused to go out with him tu I had a strong reason. I really think that Donghae is my current bf and he's there watching me so I have to be faithful to him. What a good gf I am, right? Yes I do know that thank you :P

So now I'm just let him be. Suka hati dia lah nak merajuk ke apa. Nanti ok sendiri la tu so tak payah susah2 nak pujuk HAHA. And here his text come. Malas nak reply. Nak layan my sexy fishy. Sorry you. Lain hari, ya? :D

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