Sunday, June 27, 2010

What a day.

Ok I sleep quite late last night. Mama and Ayah were away to Johor since two days ago. Tokki's matter. So I have to take care of my little sisters which I can say that they're quite annoying. Well sometimes. But they helped me a lot. Thanks adik2ku sayang :)

I woke up several times this morning. Phone calls from ayah and also an unknown number. Ignored all of it. Jihan too. Keep on waking me up. Grrr! But as usual, I'm using my 5minutes tactic. "Kak fajin bangun laaa cepat turun bawah" Then I was like, "Hm alaaaa kejap la 10minit" LOL. Not using 5minutes anymore. It is not enough I think. And been like that for how many times tah. Ok sumpah mengantuk tak larat gila nak bangun. Last2 terjaga and it was like 1pm HAHA. And I saw Jihan laid on my leg, sleeping. Poor her. Penat kejut eh sampai tertidur sekali? :D

Then I waked them up. Asked them what they wanted to eat today for lunch. Planned on bringing them to Aeon Bukit Tinggi. Okayy here's our conversation...

Shamine & Jihan ; Eee dah la mengigau tadi [baru je bangun dah cakap macam ni. ceh siot betul]
Me ; Asal pulakkkk? Mana ada menipu je.
Jihan ; Iya laaa tak percaya tanya Shamine.
Me ; Yeke? Kak fajin cakap apa?
Jihan ; Kitorang dah bangun tadi lepastu tiba2 Kak fajin cakap, "Habistu kau nak makan apa? Kaki kucing? Cuba la fikir sikit"
Me ; Hah? Tipuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Shamine & Jihan ; Eh betul laaaa kitorang saksi kot.
Jihan ; Entah dah la kuat gila cakap. Terkejut tengok. Jihan ingat Kak fajin cakap dengan siapa. Bila tengok mata pejam [while laughing hardly over me]
Me ; *Siot punya adik. Eleh biar laa mana Kak fajin seda

Ok and they keep on teasing me. Hey stop it okayyy. Oh buli Kak fajin ehh. Siap la korang! Haha teringat pula masa kat Sri Ayu. My roommates semua cakap saya kuat mengigau. Every morning mesti ada cerita. Satu rumah tawu. Aduhh malunya. Lepastu bahan tak sudah. Hahaha ^^

But basically I had fun today with them. Gonna missed them bila balik Bangi nanti. Hwaaaaaaaaa nak cuti lagi!!!!! :(

Oh btw Ayah texted me just now. He said the doctors are going to cut Tokki's leg due to the spreading of the diabetic bacteria err something like that. Sorry saya tak taktau bab2 medic ni. Oh God I'm praying for Tokki's health. May he recover soon! Ok sumpah risau and takut. Hopefully things will be fine. Just fine. Insyaallah..

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