Thursday, January 29, 2009

A day out!

28th january 09.
The girls ; [mira, intan, amalina & me]
Place to go ; Aeon bukit tinggi.

mira ring me up.
she asked me, "kaw nk beli num unipax tu tak?"
then i said, "nak ah. bila nk pegi?"
she said, "skrg ah"

so i texted intan.
asked her whether she's free or not.
i want to ask her out too.
needly to see her.
been missed her so much!
besides, she can drive us to anywhere we want, since she already had the P license.
she said she'll bring amalina along with her.
then i said okay.
it was supposed to be five of us.
but puja said she cant go, at the end.

mira's eldest brother send us there.
his dad asked him to do so.
when we arrived,
we started to look over the unipax number.
but it not have been sold anymore.
that clecom guy said, "skg tga tkde stock"
then i just, "hm okay. thanks"
*frust frust =(

while waiting for intan & amalina,
we walked aorund the mall.
i just realized that there were a lot of people there.
not as usual i thought.
as i walked here & there,
there were some of people that i known bumped with us.
quite shocked,
but i just simply said hi, apa cte skg, etc etc.
then blah. lol =p

we went to popular,
mira was searching for novel, of course.
i looked over, and saw harry potter the deathly hallows novel of malay version.
i texted intan, "weh! buku yg kaw nk tu ada lah. dtg cpt, nnt hbes"
there were still, plenty of 'em actually.
but i just want to make her feel excited :)

then mira said she wanted to eat.
so we went to arena,
and decided to eat chicken steak, by sharing with each other.
mira went to ordered, while me, waiting on the chair.
p/s : jaga tempat duduk, okay.

about 10mins later, mira arrived with the food.
lama gila kot.
then i saw the steak, omg!
sikit gilaaaaa

tengok ah, fries pn cket. ee nk bunuh je org tu! grrr!

after finished eating, we talked.
but then i saw a chinese man passed us by,
while carrying ABC.
i was like, uhh yummy!
then i asked mira, "weh sedapnya ABC. kaw nak tak?"
she said, "hm boleh jugak"
so i quickly went to ordered the ABC.
*nyum nyum

then, intan & amalina arrived.
ah, finally.
they said, "kt sini korg rupanya. melantak je kje"
we just laughed.

after that,
we went back to popular,
cz intan wanted to buy that harry potter book.
i saw harry potter complete set of 7 novels.
i wanted to buy it long long before..
the price? rm285
aaaa moneyyyy! tga kering gila kot. huh

i went to cooking books section,
but amalina asked me to stand beside her.
mira took our picture. grr

amalina said she wanted to eat nasi ayam lemon at Pak Li's kopitiam.
it was outside and away from the Aeon.
so we went off to the place.

oh oh,
mira bought a new watch :)

as we arrived at the kopitiam,
i ordered ice cendol. mkn lg.
ngeh ngeh ngeh =p

mira & amalina poured the sugar syrup.
they said, "tak cukup manis neh, tambah lg"
i said, "dh cukup ah. manis nnt korg mkn yeh"
she just watched us :)

see? she was doing that face, again.
urghhh ;)

as we waited for mira's fries to arrived,
i look over at the waiters.
wanted to ask them where's the fries.
but then i realized this one guy,
one of the waiters.
he was staring at me sharply.
i didnt notice it at first,
aft i realized it, he smiled at me.
i wonder if he really smiled at me or not.
but yepp, he was really smiled at me.
i just turn over my head.
pretend like nothing happened.

when we're about to leave,
that guy stared at me, again.
he kept smiling with me.
okay, that was scary.
i hastily went out and searched 4 intan's car.

intan was seriously driving the car =p
but they're pretty naughty.
when i was talking with mira,
they increased the radio volume.
it was sOo loud.
then i shouted, "woooooooooooiiiiiii!!!"
they just laughed.
cehh! :)

intan send mira first,
then me.
when i was got off from the car,
intan gave me a box of chocolate.
it was vochelle almonds.
my favourite!
ahh she was just soooo sweet!

thanks intan.
thanks for every little thing u had done.
i really enjoyed this day.
a day which i'll never forget :')

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The aqiqah kenduri.

25th january 09.
uncle's house [ayh de] , kapar, klang.

so, all of us went to the house, to attend the kenduri.
it is abg kerul's 1st child, Rania Zara.
as we arrived, aft bersalam-salaman, we take a look at the baby.
she was so cute. and small, definitely.

cute, isnt it?

then we entered the kitchen.
we saw tok and kak na was doing the 'bunga rampai' thingy.
so we lend a help =)
since the food was prepared by the caterer,
we dont have much thing to do.
just waiting 4 d caterer to arrive.
so we watched the tv, played with the baby, etc etc.

after waiting for a few hours,
the caterer finally arrived.
with the food, of course.
ahh i loooove food!
i helped the men to arrange the food on the table.

finished doing the thing,
ayah de asked us to eat.
i was like, 'malu malu'.
but goshh! im starving.
yea, i didnt ate anythg since morning.
so i took the plate, and started to cedok the nasi and lauk.
the menu?
hmm there were plenty of 'em.
nasi briyani, ayam masak merah, daging masak kicap, rendang kambing, kuah dal & sup kambing.
ahh the food was sOOo delicious!
*hungry hungry

then, i went to kitchen, to washed the dish.
aft that, im searching 4 my eldest sister, farah.
i asked fiqah, "kak farah mana?"
then she said, "ada kt dlm blik fiqah"
so i entered the room,
and guess what?
i saw her, lying on bed, sleeping.
oh how could her?
but but but, i joined her too!
*lol =p

we slept until 4pm, i guess.
tu pun cz kak zaza came up.
she opened the door, and shouted, "ya allah, apa nk jd dgn anak dara neh?"
i was shocked, and quickly wake up.
i weared the tudung, and came out from the room.
i saw some people were still, eating.
it was kak shida's & abg kerul's friends.
but the majlis was already over.
aihh missed it! =(

i went to the kitchen, and saw mama, kak tasya, tok, lutfi & dayah eating.

and i joined them.
but im not eating.
just watched them enjoyed the food.
but then mama said, "taknak mkn sup ke? sedap"
then i said, "hehe nk cket. mama suapkn"

a few minutes later, farah came up.
and we took a picture.

i was dark. and fat. urghh!
then i saw the leftover fruits.

yummy yummy! ;)

i ate till i didnt realize that fiqah was snapping my picture.
take a look at it.

buruk buruk. but still, thanks to fiqah! =)
and, the last picture of me...

then i went to the living room,
and saw all of the men were sleeping.
it was funny to watch them sleep together at the same time. lol =p

after perform the maghrib solah,
we got ready to leave the house.
before i left,
lutfi told me one thing.
he said, "ingat fajin, if nk apply for tesl, apply under kpm or mara"
and i said, "oh okay. thanks anyway"
we talked about it when i was eating at the kitchen.
i asked for his opinion about the courses which i had chose.
and he said, "language pn okay jugak. kwn lutfi pn ada yg apply. and dia nk further studies kt UK"

now i had the confidence.
but it was all depends on my result.
aihh hopefully i'll get an excellent one.
i was hoping for a miracle to happen.
pray for me =)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Driving driving lessons =)

The driving class
11am ~ 1pm [2hours]

okay, since this was the 1st class, i was nervous.
and i wasnt excited [not in the mood actually].
the instructor fetch me late.
he asked me to get ready by 11am.
so i waited in front of my house sharp by 11am.
but he came at 11.30, i guess.
when he came, i got into the car and i asked him,
"npe lambat?"
he said "ala sorry, td ada ramai student."
then i just, "okay."

when we're in the car, he asked me that have i been driving before.
then i said yep, but its when i was in form3.
so kinda forgot. lgpn mse tu bwk gear 1 je.
ngeh ngeh ngeh =p
but suddenly he went to the roadside, and stopped the car.
he said, "okay awk drive."
i was like, WHAT? hell no.
i quickly said to him, "eh apa pulak? taknak ah. taknak taknak. apa2 jd nnt spe nk tanggung?"
then he said, "laa, kan sy ada kt sblh neh, bknnya awk bwk sorg2."
i said no, i dont want.
then he'll just said, "okay. tp balik nnt awk drive."
urghhh! whatever

so, a few minutes later, we arrived at the "pusat latihan memandu".
and the istructor taught me how to drive, yadada.
then he said, "okay awk pusing2 la dulu. sy nk pegi office kejap."
i said, "huh? taknak ah. takot. kang terbabas ke apa, cmne?"
he said, "ala tkde pape punya lah. awk jgn risau, kena yakin ngn diri. awk syg mini cooper awk kan? so jaga kete sy neh elok2."
how does he know about my dream car?
hahah. okay i'll tell ya.

when i was at the driver seat,
i put my phone at the dashboard.
and he noticed my phonestrip.
he said, "oo gmba kete rupanya."
then i said, "yepp, mini cooper. kereta idaman. hehe."
he smiled. then he said, "haa if cmtu, bsemangat cket. bygkn kte ada kt dlm mini coop skg neh."
hahaha. gembiranya hati ;)

okay so, i practised.
oh oh before he left, he told me to use gear 1 & 2 only. highlight, ONLY.
he also told me not to tekan the minyak pedal.
guna clutch je.
huh! just imagine.
dah la panas, takde aircond. kereta pn gerak slow je.
urghh suffer gila.
i was bored. so i stopped the car for a while,
took my phone, and played the song.
so i sang while drove the car. *wink ;)

then he came.
he said, "cmne, okay tak? dh tawu basic sume kan.. kira awk dh pass la neh."
i just smiled and said, "hehe okay la.. kot."
he replied, "kot? npe ada kot?"
haha mengada je.
then, one of his student wanted to go back home.
he said, "okay jom."
and guess what? he asked me to drive the car.
i was like, OMG.
he said, "takut yeh.. ala tkde pape lah, jgn risau. awk bwk je, nnt sy bg arahan."
err okayy

that student's house was at sijangkang.
its quite far from the "pusat latihan".
so i tighten up my seatbelts and get ready to go out from the place.
look, i tell u what, tempat tu byk gila lori. scary gila, okay.
oh god im so afraid of the lorries.
but i just drove the car.
then he asked me to changed the gear.
from gear 1 to 2. from gear 2 to 3. and from gear 3 to 4.
so i just followed like what he asked.
suddenly he said, "aik, kata takot nk bwk. tp skg dh bwk smpai 80, apa cte?"
then i said, "huh? yeke? tipu ah."
so i looked at the metre, and yep, it was right.
i said, "eh haah laa. cm tak pcye je. hehe"
he looked at his student at the back and said, "hm tgk la tu, dh bwk smpai 80 tp tak sedar. hahah"
i replied him, "tah2 metre neh rosak kot."
he said, "impossible. awk tu yg bwk laju."
then we laughed :))

so i just drove and drove the car.
there were a treller right in front of us.
and it moved so slow, alright.
my instructor said, "treller dpn neh gerak slow, kan? awk potong lah."
and i was just, okay i'll give a try.
so i started to increase the speed, without looking at my right.
when i was going to the right side,
suddenly there were a car from the back.
so i was in the middle oh the road!
i was panicked, and all i could do was, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"
yep, i shouted.
but at the same time im speeding to get over with it.
i looked at my instructor, wondering why he's been silent.
he didnt said anythg.
goshh! how scared i was.
then he just simply said, "tkpe, dah terlajak.. nk bwt cmne? betul tak? tp lps neh berhati2."

so we reached at the destination.
at there, we picked up another student.
it was a boy.
my instructor said, "okay skrg bdk neh pulak bwk, hantar awk balik rumah."
fuhh lega!
so they send me back home.
before they went away,
he said, "lepas neh sy dtg amek awk kt umh, awk yg kena drive pegi tmpt latihan"
then i said, "oh okay. thanks 4 the ride"

i came into my house, and i saw my mum was laid on the sofa.
i told her everything about it, eventhough my head were so dizzy.
i just hope that everythg will be fine after this.
not as clumsy as before. aihh.
will talk again later.
alright, till then =)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It happened, again =(

i was hurt...
i was badly hurt.
i slept with tears again last night.
my heart becomes more and more sensitive,
til i couldnt take it anymore.
why do things have to be like this?

we argued.
it was because of me.
i did it again.
did the things that he had been hating so much.
til he burst into madness.
he was so angry.

im sorry.
for not fully understand u very well yet.
but trust me,
it was done unpurposely.
i didnt realise it at all.
i just thought that it'll be some kind of fun.
but u take that thing seriously.
how would i know?
forgive me...

but theres a thing i cant accept.
its been my 1st time in my whole life,
been scolding and be shouted off from the only person that i love.
why dear?
how could u do this to me.
i know, it was my fault.
and yea, u deserve to let it out to me.
i was hurt, deep inside :'(

i was kind of ......... when u're using high tones with me.
and instead of scolding,
u use that words again. "kau & aku"
i think it was a lil' bit harsh.
but nevermind.
i swallowed eventhough it was bitter.

been silent.
that was the best thing that i thought.
i dont have anything left to said.
i just dont want to mess up the whole thing,
and make it even more worst.
i dont want us to fought off.
aihh.. if only i can turn back the time.
it wouldnt be like this.

im childish.
i know that.
i dont even know how to be a mature girl.
i just know that im in love.
but i dont know how to understand ur feelings.
i tried, dont say i didnt.
it was just, hard.
sometimes i felt like i really understand u,
but sometimes im not.
why? dont ask me.
cz i dont know what the answer is

i had a nightmare last night.
it was terrible.
many bad thing happened in my dreams.
im afraid.
i wish i could run away, as fast as i can, and as far as i could.
that night, was horrible.
i cried out.
and burst into tears.
been guilty, and also hurt.
but its okay,
i deserve it, right?

and sorry for the whole bad thing that happened recently.
im not a good person for u.
i was bad.
i always make u feel bad.
im truly deeply very sorry =(

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Girls day out! =)

padahal ktorg 2org je. ngeh ngeh ngeh =p

fauziah a.k.a puja asked me to go on a date with her.
naah, just kidding! =p
she asked me to accompany her to go for an education carnival..
err something like that lah. not quite sure about it. lol :)
oh, it was held at PWTC.

The beginning..

i woke up at 6.45am. quite late right?
yeahh cz i slept at 4am tau.
nasib baik mama tlg kejutkan.
thanks ma! hehe =D

then i went downstairs at 7.30am.
puja told me earlier that night, "before 8am klw boleh dh ada kt bus stop".
so i asked my dad to send me at the bus stop in front of jusco bukit tinggi.
i brought along my dvd's album,
cz puja said she wants to borrow it.
and she'll bring hers too.
mine, english movies and hers, korean, taiwan & japanese drama. *wink ;)

i saw puja's car,
already waiting at the bus stop.
not her car la actually.
her dad's car, okay.
haha then her dad send us to teluk gadong's train station.
which is more nearer to her house compare to klang station.
when we arrived,
we bought the ticket and walk on the stairs to across.
while we walked, i saw the train's already arrived.
then i quickly said, "puja cepat ah! train dah sampai".
and we ran. hahah =p

we took a train frm teluk gadong to kl central.
then frm kl central to masjid jamek.
frm masjid jamek to PWTC.
since this is our 1st time went to PWTC by public transport,
we dont know anything about where to switch the train etc etc.
so we're like, "tanya ah org tu. tanya laa".
puja asked me, and i asked her to do so.
masing2 taknak.
kelakar je =)

The arrival..

alright, we arrived at the destination by 10am, i guess.
in the meantime we're like, "ahh, lapar gilaa".
cz we're not taking our breakfast yet.
but but but,
we decided to went in PWTC 1st.
if nk pergi The Mall, makan2, cm awal sgt kot.
tahan je ah lapar. uhuh

inside the hall, we saw a crowd of people.
mostly students, yea, with their school uniform of course.
nk jalan tu cm kena himpit2, traffic jammed. goshh!
sgt melemaskan kay.
i really cant stand in that kind of situation.
my head turning upside down, felt so dizzy =(

then, we took a survey on all of the universities and collegues offered there.
as for me,
i think im so interested in language.
ingat cm nk amek tesl.
but not to be a teacher, kay. lecturer =)
[harithah, remember our plan =p]
and puja,
kind of similar as mine,
but she's more interested on teaching science subject.
puja was sOo excited, as she kept asking questions at the explainer.
i was like, okay whatever. hehe :D

after going around and around,
i started to felt tired.
and my stomach, urgh! cant stop it from drumming.
so i said, "puja dah aa, jom pergi makan. lapar ohh".
she just smiled. but she complained too.
she said, "ala nnt la fajin, kte belum pergi booth yg tu lg".
i was like, what?? ohh no no no.
and lastly she was like, "hahaha dah jom aa jom aa".
i knew she wont upset me up =)

so we went to The Mall,
and searching for food court.
we found it! yeay yeay ;)
it written there, "medan hang tuah".
something like that lah kot.
then, we went in.
and our first impression was like, omg loser gila tempat neh.
puja said, "ala-ala classic ah neh".
classic sangat! uhh.
and and, the worst thing was..
what kind of smell is this?
macam bau haprak.
tapi ktorg duduk jugak, order makanan.
no choice, thats it!
nk mkn mcD or pizza, cm tak kenyang. duhh!

after had our lunch,
we went into parkson.
saje survey baju =p
puja ah, sibuk nk pegi sana pegi sini. mengada je.
hahah :))
after that,
i said to puja, "pegi mid nak? tengok movie. if nak balik mcm awal sgt. baru pukul 12lbeh".
then she said, "taknak ah fajin, tkde mood la.."
how frust i was! sedih je.
haha but never mind, mmg tknk pegi pun.
saje je ajak kot2 dia nak :D

The way back home..

in the train,
not so many people were there.
huh we're sOo glad.
since i was kind of exhausted,
i didnt talked much.
but puja kept talking and talking.
tak penat ke dia neh?
haha but i looove to see her that way.
ceria je.
tapi complain boleh tahan =p

when we're about 5mins to arrived at teluk gadong station,
puja texted her mum,
asking her to fetch us.
as soon as we arrived,
we didnt see any car of hers.
so we waited.
ohh that Sun, was shining so brightly.
we started to felt so hot til we could melt. cehh =p
puja called her sis, asking her where she is.
when we're talking to each other,
suddenly puja said, "haa tu pun. dah jom fajin".
ahh leganya! :)

inside the car,
there were four of us.
puja's mum & sis at the front,
while puja & me at the back.
puja asked her mum to stop by at their house first before sending me back home.
her mum asked why.
then puja said, "nak amek dvd korea kte, nak bg pinjam kt fajin".
so we went to the house.

as her mum parked the car,
puja quickly got off and go get the dvd's.
her mum went in the house too.
she asked dila [puja's sis] to drive me back home.

lastly we arrived at my house.
we saw TNB's truck outside of my neighbour's house.
then puja said, "asal ada trak TNB neh fajin? tah2 tkde electric. hahaha habis la kau".
i replied her back, "banyak ah kau. mengada je ckp cmtu".
they laughed :)
so i got off from the car.
when i tried to close the door,
all of the dvd's fell over the road.
i was like, "aaaaa puja tolongg!"
hehehe :D
she helped me, by picking up the cd's.
and she brought it inside my house.
then i thanked her and her sis.

will be missing you puja! thanks a lot tau =)
it was such a lovely day we had.
ahh wish intan were there too!

from left ; puja, me & dayah :)
intan puja ct dayah, miss u guys a lot, okay?
and i miss my other classmates as well.
rindu je nk gelak2 at our class, 5LK
aihh! wish i can go back to school.
i miss the teachers too! =(
and of course, my other deary bestfriends.
syikin, zulaikha, qusya, iman, faisal, hafiz, nazli & ashril [oh both of 'em were my 2pupu anyway =)]

when can we gather around, guys? cant wait to see each one of ya ;)

they're all my bestfriends!
intan & puja, recently close to me compared to ct & dayah.
cz susah nk contact dorg.
busy kerja. huhu
but still, miss u guys, a lot.
high school memories will never end.
heart 'em =)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lala's tragic death

I cant believe this would happen. Just a week ago, i saw lala, was eating in the kitchen. And now, there's nothing left. Lala died, 2days ago.

This is how it all begins...

My family [except farah & haikal], went back to both of my parents hometown at terengganu & johore. We went there for about 2weeks, i guess. Farah was at home, cz she had to attend her class tomorrow. When we're at terengganu, farah called ayah's phone, and talked to mama. Usually she'll text me up, but... err we had some arguments before we left the house. Sighs*. She said "ma, lala hilang. Dah 3hari dia tak balik rumah". Mama told us about it. And we were like, worried for a while. But we didnt think that lala is going somewhere that is far from our house. So we thought that he'll be back home in a short time.

Aft 2weeks spending such a lovely time at both of our hometown, we went back home. All of us was soo tired! Especially dad, since he's been driving the all d way. Later that night, when we're watching TVs, about 8pm i guess, we heard a cat's voice. The voice sounds really strange. We quickly opened the door. Mama, shamin, jihan and me shouted "lala!!" at the same time. We're surprised! We saw a skinny lala, with his 1broken legs, bruises all over his body, and worse, he's bleeding! We thought that maybe he had been hit by a car or else, but... no! lala had been attacked! by dogs, for sure. He had been bitten! Poor him. Then he went straightly to the kitchen. He been searching for the food, of course. Then we gave him a bowl of friskies. He finished it. How hungry he was! Then mama put a can of sardine in a bowl. He finished it too!
While lala was eating, jihan lay down beside him and kept patting him. She said, "lala, npe kau jd cmni?". While crying, for sure.

Next morning, mama sent lala to a veterinarian clinic at bukit tinggi, klang. Mama also asked for the doctor to take care of lala since we're going to Pangkor about 2days more.

When we're at Pangkor, mama received a call from the doctor. Aft a few minutes talking on the phone, mama told us that the doctor said she have to cut lala's leg to prevent the bacteria of the injury from spreading up to his body. Then we was like, what?!! I cant imagine to see how lala will facing his life without his 1leg. How sad it was!

After we came back from Pangkor, we went to took lala at the clinic. We met the doctor, then she brought us inside the operation room. She was just done cutting lala's leg yesterday. As we entered the room, we saw lala, resting. He was glad to see all of us there.The doctor showed us the part that she had cut. We're shocked! She cut lala's leg until his knees. She also shaved all of lala's fur at tails. Cz she wants to treat the wound. She said there's nothing to worried about, cz lala havent lost his appetite yet. And he's stronger than she tought. She even said, "lala mcm bersemangat nk hidup eventhough dia dah hilang one of his legs". Then we brought lala back home.

At home, lala kept moving and walking here and there. We were advised by the doctor to lock him up in a cage. But we didnt do that, cz we havent buy the cage yet. So he walked to the kitchen, and his blood is everywhere on the floor. Mama asked farah to clean up his blood and mop the floor. Poor her! Lala's leg was still bleeding as he's not fully recovered yet. Later that night, mama took lala, put him on a table and did a few dressings on his luka. Mama wiped the blood by tissues while me, patting him on his head. He was struggled to move. We know, he's in pain. But we want him to be cured. Goshh!

Three days passes, lala's wound still not getting very well. Plus, its getting more worst. Mama and ayah brought him to the clinic, again.

After 5days, in the evening, mama told us to get dressed. She said, "by 9pm semua dh siap, kte nk pegi umh cik in". Oh oh, cik in is mama's younger sister. So at 9pm sharp, i went downstairs. I saw shamin sitting on the sofa, playing with kiki. Kiki is our another cat, a.k.a the new cat. Ayah and mama perform the solah. I went to kitchen, to get some drinks. When we're about to leave, the phone suddenly rang. Mama answered the call. Jihan was outside, chit-chatting with our neighbour. After talking on the phone, mama said to us, "lala dh mati, baru je tadi. Doctor suruh dtg amek". We were like, OMG! I looked at mama's face, i knew she wasnt joking. Then i looked at shamin, i saw tears in her eyes. Then i started to cry. It was sad to know that lala is gone, forever!

Jihan came in, we all looked at her. Then jihan said, "kak fajin, mana kiki?". God, she doesnt know about it yet. Shamin pulled jihan's hand, she was about going to tell her. Then i quickly said, "jihan.... lala dah matii..". Jihan laughed. She said, "tipuuuuuu!". I dont know how to explain it to her. We've been silent for a while. Then we went to the clinic.

As we reached there, mama, shamin, jihan and me hastily went in [ayah malas nk kua so dia duduk je kt dlm kete]. We saw the cage that we bought for lala when he was in pain. Up on that cage, we saw a box. We know, lala's dead body was in that box. Then, the doctor assistant opened the box for us. We peeked into it, and we saw lala's dead body. We burst into tears! I just couldnt help it anymore. Jihan was the worst. She cried out loud. And she even shouted lala's name for a few times. She loved lala very much, we knew that. Then we noticed that the doctor had been cut lala's leg, till his body. The last time we saw only at his knees. She said the bacteria already spread up, thats y she had to potong habes. We also saw a long long stitches on his body. Kesian lala. Dia terseksa sgt. I knew that before he died, he cried in pain. Tapi tu laa, ktorg tkde time tu. Aihh! :'( Mama's talking with the doctor while making the payments. They looked at us. The doctor said to mama, "aiyo, please la. I wanted to cry also. I pun dah syg lala. He's a nice cat, really". I just smiled. She cried already, i knew that. I saw the tears in her eyes.

On the way back home, i texted farah. I told her that lala is dead. Then she replied, "tipuuuuuuuuuuuu. hahaha". Then i replied back, " hoi ngek. betul lahh. apa faedah aku nk tipu?". She said, "wehhh lala... :''( dia bkn dh sihat ke... waaaaaaaa! amek gmba dia pls". Then i said okay.

We reached home, ayah quickly find the cangkul. Before we buried him, we saw him 4 the last time. We still, crying. Mama also. But not ayah. Dia ckp kt ktorg, "bacakanlah yassin utk dia".Then ktorg cm, eee ayah! Geram je.

I love lala. We all does. Tapi nk bwt cmne, bukan rezeki dia utk hidup. Jihan said, "mama, cari la kucing mcm lala lagi..". Yea, i want it too. Besides, i just realized that heechul's cat was exactly the same like lala. Oh ya! Forgot to tell ya. Heechul is one of Super Junior members. I love him the most! Been crazy for him all of the time! Goshh! Heechul's cat named heebum. How cute! ;)

since this was my first post,
there's nothing much to tell actually.
but i do have a plenty of stories to tell ya.
thats y im doing this blog thingy.

as what qusya said to me,
"u should have one, best".
hehe thanks sya! ;)

hence, this blog...