Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The aqiqah kenduri.

25th january 09.
uncle's house [ayh de] , kapar, klang.

so, all of us went to the house, to attend the kenduri.
it is abg kerul's 1st child, Rania Zara.
as we arrived, aft bersalam-salaman, we take a look at the baby.
she was so cute. and small, definitely.

cute, isnt it?

then we entered the kitchen.
we saw tok and kak na was doing the 'bunga rampai' thingy.
so we lend a help =)
since the food was prepared by the caterer,
we dont have much thing to do.
just waiting 4 d caterer to arrive.
so we watched the tv, played with the baby, etc etc.

after waiting for a few hours,
the caterer finally arrived.
with the food, of course.
ahh i loooove food!
i helped the men to arrange the food on the table.

finished doing the thing,
ayah de asked us to eat.
i was like, 'malu malu'.
but goshh! im starving.
yea, i didnt ate anythg since morning.
so i took the plate, and started to cedok the nasi and lauk.
the menu?
hmm there were plenty of 'em.
nasi briyani, ayam masak merah, daging masak kicap, rendang kambing, kuah dal & sup kambing.
ahh the food was sOOo delicious!
*hungry hungry

then, i went to kitchen, to washed the dish.
aft that, im searching 4 my eldest sister, farah.
i asked fiqah, "kak farah mana?"
then she said, "ada kt dlm blik fiqah"
so i entered the room,
and guess what?
i saw her, lying on bed, sleeping.
oh how could her?
but but but, i joined her too!
*lol =p

we slept until 4pm, i guess.
tu pun cz kak zaza came up.
she opened the door, and shouted, "ya allah, apa nk jd dgn anak dara neh?"
i was shocked, and quickly wake up.
i weared the tudung, and came out from the room.
i saw some people were still, eating.
it was kak shida's & abg kerul's friends.
but the majlis was already over.
aihh missed it! =(

i went to the kitchen, and saw mama, kak tasya, tok, lutfi & dayah eating.

and i joined them.
but im not eating.
just watched them enjoyed the food.
but then mama said, "taknak mkn sup ke? sedap"
then i said, "hehe nk cket. mama suapkn"

a few minutes later, farah came up.
and we took a picture.

i was dark. and fat. urghh!
then i saw the leftover fruits.

yummy yummy! ;)

i ate till i didnt realize that fiqah was snapping my picture.
take a look at it.

buruk buruk. but still, thanks to fiqah! =)
and, the last picture of me...

then i went to the living room,
and saw all of the men were sleeping.
it was funny to watch them sleep together at the same time. lol =p

after perform the maghrib solah,
we got ready to leave the house.
before i left,
lutfi told me one thing.
he said, "ingat fajin, if nk apply for tesl, apply under kpm or mara"
and i said, "oh okay. thanks anyway"
we talked about it when i was eating at the kitchen.
i asked for his opinion about the courses which i had chose.
and he said, "language pn okay jugak. kwn lutfi pn ada yg apply. and dia nk further studies kt UK"

now i had the confidence.
but it was all depends on my result.
aihh hopefully i'll get an excellent one.
i was hoping for a miracle to happen.
pray for me =)

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