Saturday, January 17, 2009

Girls day out! =)

padahal ktorg 2org je. ngeh ngeh ngeh =p

fauziah a.k.a puja asked me to go on a date with her.
naah, just kidding! =p
she asked me to accompany her to go for an education carnival..
err something like that lah. not quite sure about it. lol :)
oh, it was held at PWTC.

The beginning..

i woke up at 6.45am. quite late right?
yeahh cz i slept at 4am tau.
nasib baik mama tlg kejutkan.
thanks ma! hehe =D

then i went downstairs at 7.30am.
puja told me earlier that night, "before 8am klw boleh dh ada kt bus stop".
so i asked my dad to send me at the bus stop in front of jusco bukit tinggi.
i brought along my dvd's album,
cz puja said she wants to borrow it.
and she'll bring hers too.
mine, english movies and hers, korean, taiwan & japanese drama. *wink ;)

i saw puja's car,
already waiting at the bus stop.
not her car la actually.
her dad's car, okay.
haha then her dad send us to teluk gadong's train station.
which is more nearer to her house compare to klang station.
when we arrived,
we bought the ticket and walk on the stairs to across.
while we walked, i saw the train's already arrived.
then i quickly said, "puja cepat ah! train dah sampai".
and we ran. hahah =p

we took a train frm teluk gadong to kl central.
then frm kl central to masjid jamek.
frm masjid jamek to PWTC.
since this is our 1st time went to PWTC by public transport,
we dont know anything about where to switch the train etc etc.
so we're like, "tanya ah org tu. tanya laa".
puja asked me, and i asked her to do so.
masing2 taknak.
kelakar je =)

The arrival..

alright, we arrived at the destination by 10am, i guess.
in the meantime we're like, "ahh, lapar gilaa".
cz we're not taking our breakfast yet.
but but but,
we decided to went in PWTC 1st.
if nk pergi The Mall, makan2, cm awal sgt kot.
tahan je ah lapar. uhuh

inside the hall, we saw a crowd of people.
mostly students, yea, with their school uniform of course.
nk jalan tu cm kena himpit2, traffic jammed. goshh!
sgt melemaskan kay.
i really cant stand in that kind of situation.
my head turning upside down, felt so dizzy =(

then, we took a survey on all of the universities and collegues offered there.
as for me,
i think im so interested in language.
ingat cm nk amek tesl.
but not to be a teacher, kay. lecturer =)
[harithah, remember our plan =p]
and puja,
kind of similar as mine,
but she's more interested on teaching science subject.
puja was sOo excited, as she kept asking questions at the explainer.
i was like, okay whatever. hehe :D

after going around and around,
i started to felt tired.
and my stomach, urgh! cant stop it from drumming.
so i said, "puja dah aa, jom pergi makan. lapar ohh".
she just smiled. but she complained too.
she said, "ala nnt la fajin, kte belum pergi booth yg tu lg".
i was like, what?? ohh no no no.
and lastly she was like, "hahaha dah jom aa jom aa".
i knew she wont upset me up =)

so we went to The Mall,
and searching for food court.
we found it! yeay yeay ;)
it written there, "medan hang tuah".
something like that lah kot.
then, we went in.
and our first impression was like, omg loser gila tempat neh.
puja said, "ala-ala classic ah neh".
classic sangat! uhh.
and and, the worst thing was..
what kind of smell is this?
macam bau haprak.
tapi ktorg duduk jugak, order makanan.
no choice, thats it!
nk mkn mcD or pizza, cm tak kenyang. duhh!

after had our lunch,
we went into parkson.
saje survey baju =p
puja ah, sibuk nk pegi sana pegi sini. mengada je.
hahah :))
after that,
i said to puja, "pegi mid nak? tengok movie. if nak balik mcm awal sgt. baru pukul 12lbeh".
then she said, "taknak ah fajin, tkde mood la.."
how frust i was! sedih je.
haha but never mind, mmg tknk pegi pun.
saje je ajak kot2 dia nak :D

The way back home..

in the train,
not so many people were there.
huh we're sOo glad.
since i was kind of exhausted,
i didnt talked much.
but puja kept talking and talking.
tak penat ke dia neh?
haha but i looove to see her that way.
ceria je.
tapi complain boleh tahan =p

when we're about 5mins to arrived at teluk gadong station,
puja texted her mum,
asking her to fetch us.
as soon as we arrived,
we didnt see any car of hers.
so we waited.
ohh that Sun, was shining so brightly.
we started to felt so hot til we could melt. cehh =p
puja called her sis, asking her where she is.
when we're talking to each other,
suddenly puja said, "haa tu pun. dah jom fajin".
ahh leganya! :)

inside the car,
there were four of us.
puja's mum & sis at the front,
while puja & me at the back.
puja asked her mum to stop by at their house first before sending me back home.
her mum asked why.
then puja said, "nak amek dvd korea kte, nak bg pinjam kt fajin".
so we went to the house.

as her mum parked the car,
puja quickly got off and go get the dvd's.
her mum went in the house too.
she asked dila [puja's sis] to drive me back home.

lastly we arrived at my house.
we saw TNB's truck outside of my neighbour's house.
then puja said, "asal ada trak TNB neh fajin? tah2 tkde electric. hahaha habis la kau".
i replied her back, "banyak ah kau. mengada je ckp cmtu".
they laughed :)
so i got off from the car.
when i tried to close the door,
all of the dvd's fell over the road.
i was like, "aaaaa puja tolongg!"
hehehe :D
she helped me, by picking up the cd's.
and she brought it inside my house.
then i thanked her and her sis.

will be missing you puja! thanks a lot tau =)
it was such a lovely day we had.
ahh wish intan were there too!

from left ; puja, me & dayah :)
intan puja ct dayah, miss u guys a lot, okay?
and i miss my other classmates as well.
rindu je nk gelak2 at our class, 5LK
aihh! wish i can go back to school.
i miss the teachers too! =(
and of course, my other deary bestfriends.
syikin, zulaikha, qusya, iman, faisal, hafiz, nazli & ashril [oh both of 'em were my 2pupu anyway =)]

when can we gather around, guys? cant wait to see each one of ya ;)

they're all my bestfriends!
intan & puja, recently close to me compared to ct & dayah.
cz susah nk contact dorg.
busy kerja. huhu
but still, miss u guys, a lot.
high school memories will never end.
heart 'em =)

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