Thursday, January 22, 2009

Driving driving lessons =)

The driving class
11am ~ 1pm [2hours]

okay, since this was the 1st class, i was nervous.
and i wasnt excited [not in the mood actually].
the instructor fetch me late.
he asked me to get ready by 11am.
so i waited in front of my house sharp by 11am.
but he came at 11.30, i guess.
when he came, i got into the car and i asked him,
"npe lambat?"
he said "ala sorry, td ada ramai student."
then i just, "okay."

when we're in the car, he asked me that have i been driving before.
then i said yep, but its when i was in form3.
so kinda forgot. lgpn mse tu bwk gear 1 je.
ngeh ngeh ngeh =p
but suddenly he went to the roadside, and stopped the car.
he said, "okay awk drive."
i was like, WHAT? hell no.
i quickly said to him, "eh apa pulak? taknak ah. taknak taknak. apa2 jd nnt spe nk tanggung?"
then he said, "laa, kan sy ada kt sblh neh, bknnya awk bwk sorg2."
i said no, i dont want.
then he'll just said, "okay. tp balik nnt awk drive."
urghhh! whatever

so, a few minutes later, we arrived at the "pusat latihan memandu".
and the istructor taught me how to drive, yadada.
then he said, "okay awk pusing2 la dulu. sy nk pegi office kejap."
i said, "huh? taknak ah. takot. kang terbabas ke apa, cmne?"
he said, "ala tkde pape punya lah. awk jgn risau, kena yakin ngn diri. awk syg mini cooper awk kan? so jaga kete sy neh elok2."
how does he know about my dream car?
hahah. okay i'll tell ya.

when i was at the driver seat,
i put my phone at the dashboard.
and he noticed my phonestrip.
he said, "oo gmba kete rupanya."
then i said, "yepp, mini cooper. kereta idaman. hehe."
he smiled. then he said, "haa if cmtu, bsemangat cket. bygkn kte ada kt dlm mini coop skg neh."
hahaha. gembiranya hati ;)

okay so, i practised.
oh oh before he left, he told me to use gear 1 & 2 only. highlight, ONLY.
he also told me not to tekan the minyak pedal.
guna clutch je.
huh! just imagine.
dah la panas, takde aircond. kereta pn gerak slow je.
urghh suffer gila.
i was bored. so i stopped the car for a while,
took my phone, and played the song.
so i sang while drove the car. *wink ;)

then he came.
he said, "cmne, okay tak? dh tawu basic sume kan.. kira awk dh pass la neh."
i just smiled and said, "hehe okay la.. kot."
he replied, "kot? npe ada kot?"
haha mengada je.
then, one of his student wanted to go back home.
he said, "okay jom."
and guess what? he asked me to drive the car.
i was like, OMG.
he said, "takut yeh.. ala tkde pape lah, jgn risau. awk bwk je, nnt sy bg arahan."
err okayy

that student's house was at sijangkang.
its quite far from the "pusat latihan".
so i tighten up my seatbelts and get ready to go out from the place.
look, i tell u what, tempat tu byk gila lori. scary gila, okay.
oh god im so afraid of the lorries.
but i just drove the car.
then he asked me to changed the gear.
from gear 1 to 2. from gear 2 to 3. and from gear 3 to 4.
so i just followed like what he asked.
suddenly he said, "aik, kata takot nk bwk. tp skg dh bwk smpai 80, apa cte?"
then i said, "huh? yeke? tipu ah."
so i looked at the metre, and yep, it was right.
i said, "eh haah laa. cm tak pcye je. hehe"
he looked at his student at the back and said, "hm tgk la tu, dh bwk smpai 80 tp tak sedar. hahah"
i replied him, "tah2 metre neh rosak kot."
he said, "impossible. awk tu yg bwk laju."
then we laughed :))

so i just drove and drove the car.
there were a treller right in front of us.
and it moved so slow, alright.
my instructor said, "treller dpn neh gerak slow, kan? awk potong lah."
and i was just, okay i'll give a try.
so i started to increase the speed, without looking at my right.
when i was going to the right side,
suddenly there were a car from the back.
so i was in the middle oh the road!
i was panicked, and all i could do was, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"
yep, i shouted.
but at the same time im speeding to get over with it.
i looked at my instructor, wondering why he's been silent.
he didnt said anythg.
goshh! how scared i was.
then he just simply said, "tkpe, dah terlajak.. nk bwt cmne? betul tak? tp lps neh berhati2."

so we reached at the destination.
at there, we picked up another student.
it was a boy.
my instructor said, "okay skrg bdk neh pulak bwk, hantar awk balik rumah."
fuhh lega!
so they send me back home.
before they went away,
he said, "lepas neh sy dtg amek awk kt umh, awk yg kena drive pegi tmpt latihan"
then i said, "oh okay. thanks 4 the ride"

i came into my house, and i saw my mum was laid on the sofa.
i told her everything about it, eventhough my head were so dizzy.
i just hope that everythg will be fine after this.
not as clumsy as before. aihh.
will talk again later.
alright, till then =)

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