Thursday, January 29, 2009

A day out!

28th january 09.
The girls ; [mira, intan, amalina & me]
Place to go ; Aeon bukit tinggi.

mira ring me up.
she asked me, "kaw nk beli num unipax tu tak?"
then i said, "nak ah. bila nk pegi?"
she said, "skrg ah"

so i texted intan.
asked her whether she's free or not.
i want to ask her out too.
needly to see her.
been missed her so much!
besides, she can drive us to anywhere we want, since she already had the P license.
she said she'll bring amalina along with her.
then i said okay.
it was supposed to be five of us.
but puja said she cant go, at the end.

mira's eldest brother send us there.
his dad asked him to do so.
when we arrived,
we started to look over the unipax number.
but it not have been sold anymore.
that clecom guy said, "skg tga tkde stock"
then i just, "hm okay. thanks"
*frust frust =(

while waiting for intan & amalina,
we walked aorund the mall.
i just realized that there were a lot of people there.
not as usual i thought.
as i walked here & there,
there were some of people that i known bumped with us.
quite shocked,
but i just simply said hi, apa cte skg, etc etc.
then blah. lol =p

we went to popular,
mira was searching for novel, of course.
i looked over, and saw harry potter the deathly hallows novel of malay version.
i texted intan, "weh! buku yg kaw nk tu ada lah. dtg cpt, nnt hbes"
there were still, plenty of 'em actually.
but i just want to make her feel excited :)

then mira said she wanted to eat.
so we went to arena,
and decided to eat chicken steak, by sharing with each other.
mira went to ordered, while me, waiting on the chair.
p/s : jaga tempat duduk, okay.

about 10mins later, mira arrived with the food.
lama gila kot.
then i saw the steak, omg!
sikit gilaaaaa

tengok ah, fries pn cket. ee nk bunuh je org tu! grrr!

after finished eating, we talked.
but then i saw a chinese man passed us by,
while carrying ABC.
i was like, uhh yummy!
then i asked mira, "weh sedapnya ABC. kaw nak tak?"
she said, "hm boleh jugak"
so i quickly went to ordered the ABC.
*nyum nyum

then, intan & amalina arrived.
ah, finally.
they said, "kt sini korg rupanya. melantak je kje"
we just laughed.

after that,
we went back to popular,
cz intan wanted to buy that harry potter book.
i saw harry potter complete set of 7 novels.
i wanted to buy it long long before..
the price? rm285
aaaa moneyyyy! tga kering gila kot. huh

i went to cooking books section,
but amalina asked me to stand beside her.
mira took our picture. grr

amalina said she wanted to eat nasi ayam lemon at Pak Li's kopitiam.
it was outside and away from the Aeon.
so we went off to the place.

oh oh,
mira bought a new watch :)

as we arrived at the kopitiam,
i ordered ice cendol. mkn lg.
ngeh ngeh ngeh =p

mira & amalina poured the sugar syrup.
they said, "tak cukup manis neh, tambah lg"
i said, "dh cukup ah. manis nnt korg mkn yeh"
she just watched us :)

see? she was doing that face, again.
urghhh ;)

as we waited for mira's fries to arrived,
i look over at the waiters.
wanted to ask them where's the fries.
but then i realized this one guy,
one of the waiters.
he was staring at me sharply.
i didnt notice it at first,
aft i realized it, he smiled at me.
i wonder if he really smiled at me or not.
but yepp, he was really smiled at me.
i just turn over my head.
pretend like nothing happened.

when we're about to leave,
that guy stared at me, again.
he kept smiling with me.
okay, that was scary.
i hastily went out and searched 4 intan's car.

intan was seriously driving the car =p
but they're pretty naughty.
when i was talking with mira,
they increased the radio volume.
it was sOo loud.
then i shouted, "woooooooooooiiiiiii!!!"
they just laughed.
cehh! :)

intan send mira first,
then me.
when i was got off from the car,
intan gave me a box of chocolate.
it was vochelle almonds.
my favourite!
ahh she was just soooo sweet!

thanks intan.
thanks for every little thing u had done.
i really enjoyed this day.
a day which i'll never forget :')

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