Saturday, December 25, 2010

SS3 Guangzhou.


It's raining there and Kyuhyun performs barefooted to prevent himself from slipping.
Leeteuk & Sungmin both slipped on the wet stage during Rokkugo.
ELF said it's cold there [aww poor them T.T]
Henry sings Justin Bieber's Baby!
There's EunHae moments for sure!
Few members were slipped too! :(
Yesung was shivering on the stage.
Donghae used actions to tell the fans who are standing on chair to be careful.
Some of the fans said Yesung cried during It Has To Be You when everyone sang along with him.
During Bonamana, Heechul hugged Leeteuk and kept laughing lol :D
Oh they wore Santa's clothes.
ELFs were crying watching Kangin's VCR.
During Dancing Out, Yesung gave flying kiss. Siwon went to the camera to sing.
EunHae hugged!
SJ members & ELFs sang a birthday song. It's Sungmin's birthdayyy! ^^
After singing bday song for Sungmin, Siwon said, "hope there will be 5jib, okay?" In chinese :)


The outdoor stage.

Barefooted Kyu.

Donghae's fans.

EunHae moment.


The wet stage T_T


Last but not least, the Pearl Sapphire Blue Ocean :)

Credits ; Please Don't Cancel SS3 Malaysia, PROM15E TO 13ELIEVE, Super Junior, Lee Donghae

It's Christmas.

Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating! Not forgotten, my lovely boys :) You guys are currently at Guangzhou, right? Tomorrow would be your concert. I hope you're having a great time celebrating Christmas there. Please stay warm and have a good one! ^^

Btw, wish you all the best in SS3 Guangzhou. I wish I could be there and watch you guys perform. But hey, it's just a month away before SS3 Singapore. Dammit I'm so freaking excited over hereeeee! So I'll see you guys there! Donghae, you better watch out cz I'll keep my eyes on you. Stop flirting with other fangirls okay it'll make me insanely crazy!

Should I propose you? Kekeke ㅋㅋㅋ


Intan Shafinaz :)

She came to my house last night and surprised me with this..

My birthday was over for like, 2months ago but she still, gave me a present oh my this is the first time I experienced this in my life! And thanks for that, Intan :)

When she showed me the cupcakes, I was screaming like a crazy retard and she's just laughing omg you have no idea how shocked I am. Feels like eating her upp! LOL ^^

It's Elmo & Cookie Monster dammit they were my faves! Sooooooo cuteeeee isn't it? Sayang ok nak makan haish. Intan it seems like I'm torturing them hahah sorry my dear elmo & cookie monster I have to eat you up! *evil laugh*

And oh, we talked for about 1hour damn I wish we could talk all night long! Intan the cuppies tasted soooooooo nice you should have eat some. You must be regretted padan muka siapa suruh reject. Orang offer tanak! Haha :P

Oh oh, she gave me this too. A carricature [ignore the spelling I wasn't sure lol] of my face :D

It was awesome, right? I know.. That's why she's the best! ^^

p/s ; Thank you so much Intan for all the things you have done to me. I don't know how to repay your kindness omg can I cry nowww? T_T You're the best friend I ever had. Thank you for that. I love you mwah mwahhh! ^^

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nothing Better.

Oh my whyyy!!! You guys are murderer! Seriously. You both had just killed me with your angelic voice. Kyaaaaaaa!

Nickhun's version :)

Jjong's version :)

Okay if Donghae sing this song too, I died. On the spot.


Watching WGM KhunToria. Omg they're such a sweet couple! Damn I envy muchh! No wonder this couple got so many haters LOL. But hey, I'm not one of them you know. Eventhough Khun is one pf my bias :D Well there's nothing we can do about it aightt? It's good to see him happy that way. Yeah it's a good thing indeed.

Hm talking bout couple stuff, I'm wondering what my reaction would be if it was Donghae. I must be dead. Worst than dead. Ahh I want him to be happy. And by having someone by your side really makes everything turns great. But.. Idk. It's just, he's my first love, you know. Haih :(

Okay let's stop. My heart starts to beat slowly. Am I really this weak? Awhh nooooo T__T

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My heartbeat (=

One of the reasons why I love him.. Look at his answers. I LOL-ed everytime I read this ^^

Dong Hae's 100 question & answer

1. Name: Pinocchio (his nickname given by Hee Chul)
2. Age: 22
3. Birthday: 1986.10.15
5. School: Harry Potter School~
6. Height: I’m like third high C on the keyboard
7. Blood type: A
8. Religion: Below God’s sky . . .
9. Hobbies: To listen to Cinderella’s ( Hee Chul ) gossip
10. Personality: I’m lovable
11. When you’re the happiest: When I write in my diary
12. Your biggest complaint currently: No computer at home
13. What you wear when you sleep: Pajamas are the best!
14. A hairstyle you like on the opposite gender: Silky hair
15. Ideal girl: It could be you who’s reading this right now
16. Habits: Whenever I think of you (music note)
17. Favorite fruit: Tangerine, pear, strawberry, kiwi - they’re the best
18. Favorite vegetable: Carrot!!
19. Guy celebrities you think are good looking: Cinderella, Snow White.
20. Girl celebrities you think are pretty: Song Hye Gyo !
21. A treasured possession: Polaris
22. Numbers you like: 3, 6, 9
23. Things that stress you: I want to see my big brother (DongHwa hyung).
24. My bad qualities: The fact that I can’t be a citizen on the planet BangWheeDaeHuLweh
25. Your mood right now: Zzang!!
26. What you want to do right now: I want to see Ki Bum but he’s not coming
27. A kid you like: A kid that’s like a kid
28. Food you like: Chicken DoRiTang
29. Food you don’t like: Anything sweet
30. Shoe size: 270
31. Drinking capacity: Beer is always N O ! !
32. Cigarette: Smoking is also always N O ! !
33. A movie that made you sad: Whatever others say is sad . . . is sad
34. A childhood dream: Even if I run into a huge car, I never get hurt.
35. Motto: Let’s not get scorn from others!
36. Bedtime: Whenever I want to sleep!
37. Your future hope: To conquest America
38. Do you think you’re the type that laughs easily: I laugh easily inside hah
39. Something you cook well: Ramyun, just something strange. Do you want to eat?
40. Where do you live right now?: somewhere in Korea
41. An event that remains in your memory: From fifth grade to junior high
42. What you say often: Let’s go see a movie, I missed you, you live inside of me!
43. Have you ever gone out of country: NO!
44. First kiss: When are you going to kiss me??
45. If you did, where: Me??
46. When you see a girl, where do you look first: Pupils
58. If you suddenly got million won: To my parents…
59. A drama that you had fun watching?: Dramas are my sole joy in life!
60. A movie you had fun watching?: Movies are my sole life!
61. Eyesight: 2.0
62. Destressing methods: Shopping!
63. What you want to learn: Everything in the world.
64. What you want to do: I want to meet Justin!
65. If your girlfriend was dying: I would do whatever it takes to rescue her!
66. When do you feel like you hate yourself: Even when I hate myself, I still like myself
67. About relationships before marriage: I don’t care
68. Lifestyle principle: There is nothing in life that comes looking for you.
69. Weather that I like: A weather that is good for movie-watching
70. When is your TV time: When dramas are on.
71. Precious friends: My hyung (DongHwa)
72. Life is?: Happiness
73. Favorite drink: Milk
75: Favorite cookies: PokaPoka~chip
76. If you break up with your girlfriend, you would go: to sing
77. A teacher you respect: My teacher is my father!
78. Introduce your family: Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, Hyung, Me
79. Happiness is: The fact that I can do something right now!
80. A birthday present that you remember most: Just the fact that I’m healthy
81. Favorite animal: Maltese, Yorkie
82. Favorite plant: Flower
83. Favorite season: Spring, summer, fall, winter, I wish the season would change once everyday
84. About antis: good bye
85. If you had to choose between love or friendship: Both~(I can do it^^)
86. If the world was to come to an end tomorrow: I want to spend it with my family
87. Singing skills: Nice good
88. Dancing skills: Nice zzang
89. Your theme song: If you like it I will do as much as you want
91. Favorite fruit tree: I like them all
92. What do you feel about relationships where a girl is older than the boy: If they like it, well…be happy!
93. If you were to die tomorrow: What…with my family again
94. When do you want to marry: When I see Polaris
95. Yourself 20 years later: I love you
96. A country you want to see the most: America, Australia, Canada!
97. E-mail: Um…I have 4
98. What you want to say to those who read this: Do you want to fall into Dong Hae’s smile?
99. If you had a trait you want to fix: Where?
100. Last word: Is Planet HuLwehShiMan really unconquerable??
[credits to ;]

See? Funny right? Rascal boy! Now tell me is there any reason not to love him? :P

Oh boy you're so random! I love you Lee Donghae! <3 <3 <3


Have to wake up at 4am. The flight will depart on 6 something? I don't remember. So yeah tonight is a busy night, I assumed. Need to pack up my things urgh I HATE PACKING for God sake! Someone please? Lend me your hand :P

Stalk stalk stalk.

Went to Sunway Pyramid with Intan, Shamine [my lil' sis] and Nabilah [her friend]. Why we went there? Simple! Kim Hyun Joong is thereeeeee! He'd been here since Friday and today would be his last day. And in a few moments he'll depart from KLIA tsk ;(

Ah back to the topic, hell yeah it was beyond awesomeness! Been such a retard for a while. Lots of fangirls, as expected. Oh there were boys too! ^^
He arrived there at 11am and I asked one of the guards there when he'll be arrived. He said at 12pm..

Sharp at 12pm, he's out from the door and we can hear the loudness of screams! Well yeah, including me LOL. But but, there's a BIG thing that annoys me during the stalking session. There's this one lil' boy stood in front of me and its hard for me to panjangkan tangan to snap KHJ's pictures since it is so pack! Besides him was his mum which I can say thousand times annoy-er! First things first, they make faces when we're like himpit2 and they're not pleased about that. Okay so now tell me what do you expect when you're in that situation? More space and a calmer situation, perhaps? SCREW THAT!

Well if you're going to stand there & do NOTHING you better back off and give the priority to the other fans who had screaming their lungs out in order to attract KHJ's attention. You should give some space to ppl who wants to take his pics and not conquering the WHOLE space! Be considerate la heyy common sense kot! And you're already know how fangirls react when they get to see their biases like screaming etc right? So you better don't make faces like you're annoyed or something sheesh!

When I started to screams, she and her son close their ears with their hands. WTH! And look at me like I'm crazy or something. Hellooo everyone did the same thing okay and it's YOU who are weird! If you're not that supportive like us ; the fangirls, so you better step back you morons! Not by blocking our sights! Feels like slapping them in the face! Like seriouslyyy.. Hell yeah I was mad like a bull!

And and, the more upsetting thing is KHJ was there for like 15mins I guess? He entered The Face Shop, gave some speeches which I don't understand since it is fully in korean then take some pictures with the staff etc and after that waving at us and then poof! GONE! Dah la tak nampak sangat pun muka dia hasih. But nvm, I'm enjoying myself up there. Screaming like a mad person LOL. Intan said her eardrums need to be fixed since my voice was too loud! But I don't think it's loud enough I think I need to prepare myself with a mic :D

Oh btw the pictures are still in progress. I'll upload the pix when it is ready! (^_^)