Saturday, December 18, 2010


Watching WGM KhunToria. Omg they're such a sweet couple! Damn I envy muchh! No wonder this couple got so many haters LOL. But hey, I'm not one of them you know. Eventhough Khun is one pf my bias :D Well there's nothing we can do about it aightt? It's good to see him happy that way. Yeah it's a good thing indeed.

Hm talking bout couple stuff, I'm wondering what my reaction would be if it was Donghae. I must be dead. Worst than dead. Ahh I want him to be happy. And by having someone by your side really makes everything turns great. But.. Idk. It's just, he's my first love, you know. Haih :(

Okay let's stop. My heart starts to beat slowly. Am I really this weak? Awhh nooooo T__T

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