Saturday, December 25, 2010

Intan Shafinaz :)

She came to my house last night and surprised me with this..

My birthday was over for like, 2months ago but she still, gave me a present oh my this is the first time I experienced this in my life! And thanks for that, Intan :)

When she showed me the cupcakes, I was screaming like a crazy retard and she's just laughing omg you have no idea how shocked I am. Feels like eating her upp! LOL ^^

It's Elmo & Cookie Monster dammit they were my faves! Sooooooo cuteeeee isn't it? Sayang ok nak makan haish. Intan it seems like I'm torturing them hahah sorry my dear elmo & cookie monster I have to eat you up! *evil laugh*

And oh, we talked for about 1hour damn I wish we could talk all night long! Intan the cuppies tasted soooooooo nice you should have eat some. You must be regretted padan muka siapa suruh reject. Orang offer tanak! Haha :P

Oh oh, she gave me this too. A carricature [ignore the spelling I wasn't sure lol] of my face :D

It was awesome, right? I know.. That's why she's the best! ^^

p/s ; Thank you so much Intan for all the things you have done to me. I don't know how to repay your kindness omg can I cry nowww? T_T You're the best friend I ever had. Thank you for that. I love you mwah mwahhh! ^^

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