Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stalk stalk stalk.

Went to Sunway Pyramid with Intan, Shamine [my lil' sis] and Nabilah [her friend]. Why we went there? Simple! Kim Hyun Joong is thereeeeee! He'd been here since Friday and today would be his last day. And in a few moments he'll depart from KLIA tsk ;(

Ah back to the topic, hell yeah it was beyond awesomeness! Been such a retard for a while. Lots of fangirls, as expected. Oh there were boys too! ^^
He arrived there at 11am and I asked one of the guards there when he'll be arrived. He said at 12pm..

Sharp at 12pm, he's out from the door and we can hear the loudness of screams! Well yeah, including me LOL. But but, there's a BIG thing that annoys me during the stalking session. There's this one lil' boy stood in front of me and its hard for me to panjangkan tangan to snap KHJ's pictures since it is so pack! Besides him was his mum which I can say thousand times annoy-er! First things first, they make faces when we're like himpit2 and they're not pleased about that. Okay so now tell me what do you expect when you're in that situation? More space and a calmer situation, perhaps? SCREW THAT!

Well if you're going to stand there & do NOTHING you better back off and give the priority to the other fans who had screaming their lungs out in order to attract KHJ's attention. You should give some space to ppl who wants to take his pics and not conquering the WHOLE space! Be considerate la heyy common sense kot! And you're already know how fangirls react when they get to see their biases like screaming etc right? So you better don't make faces like you're annoyed or something sheesh!

When I started to screams, she and her son close their ears with their hands. WTH! And look at me like I'm crazy or something. Hellooo everyone did the same thing okay and it's YOU who are weird! If you're not that supportive like us ; the fangirls, so you better step back you morons! Not by blocking our sights! Feels like slapping them in the face! Like seriouslyyy.. Hell yeah I was mad like a bull!

And and, the more upsetting thing is KHJ was there for like 15mins I guess? He entered The Face Shop, gave some speeches which I don't understand since it is fully in korean then take some pictures with the staff etc and after that waving at us and then poof! GONE! Dah la tak nampak sangat pun muka dia hasih. But nvm, I'm enjoying myself up there. Screaming like a mad person LOL. Intan said her eardrums need to be fixed since my voice was too loud! But I don't think it's loud enough I think I need to prepare myself with a mic :D

Oh btw the pictures are still in progress. I'll upload the pix when it is ready! (^_^)

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