Monday, May 24, 2010

Whyyyy!! ;(

i guess this week is just a bad week. cried for most of the time. i dont know why, but i just cant hold on my tears. it flows out naturally. reading and watching all of these stuff is enough to make me, urgh cant describe it by words. it's just, too sad ;(

gila babi menangis when i watched this video. eventhough its just an audio, but i still can hear the sad voices, all of the ELF and SuJu members cried as well. the situation is just, aihh i can imagine it. the sadness are all over the place! T____T i cant help myself but cried when i heard kangin's voice. guess i've been missing him too much! and so the other two missing members, hangeng and kibum. when kangin gave the speech, i can hear all of the members especially teukie and heechul, and the ELFs cried out loud. kangin himself, cried as well.

i really miss you oppa! i hope u'll be doing very well in the national service. wish you all the best! 2years more, right? don't worry, we, the ELFs will always be here, waiting for you. waiting for you to perform with another 12members. eventhough based on the hangeng's situation, i know it'll be damn impossible for him to get back into SuJu , i believe that someday, you'll be back together as thirteen. the same old THIRTEEN.


! Super Junior + ELFs = One

You will be my endless love <3 <3 <3

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