Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thank god.

hey people, guess what?
i got a job! haha yess!
opps, its supposed to be alhamdulillah =)
god, i really cant believe it myself.
i just walked in, and ask, "is there any vacancy?"
then one of the staff there called the manager.
and the manager asked me this and that,
then she asked me to fill up the form. i did :)
but suddenly she said, "are u ready for the interview?"
so i said, "urm when is it?"
she said, "right now lah if u're ready"
gulp! omg. what the hell is going on? haha.
i was pretty shocked, actually. sumpah tak ready.
and tak expect pun boleh terus nak interview.
i asked her, "what time is it. oh i mean, now"
she said, "2.20pm"
i replied, "err actually i dh book movie ticket. and the show start at 2.30. so, cmne ek?"
then she said, "hm its ok la. u can come back after the movie ends"
so i said, "oh, haha alright. thanks. i'll come back later"

so we [intan, mira, pika & me] went to watch the movie first.
confession of a shopaholic. yep yep yepp =)
its a great movie. yes, gotta admit that.
*weh korg, bayar kt aku. cte tu best kan? agagga =p
but, my mind is not focused on the movie.
im kinda nervous when im thinking about the interview thingy.
yea, tak ready langsung kott.
and tkde experience apa2 pun before this. aaaaaaaaa!
but they told me to relax. thanks, friends! iloveyou ;)

after the movie ended,
they wanna go to the toilet.
i felt like i wanna p** too, but my nervousness just cant let it.
so i told them that i'll go down to attend the interview first.
as usual, she asked me about my studies,
how long i'll work there, etc etc.
and then she asked me about my pants size.
cz nk order uniform.
i was like, this soon? ahah goshh.
then i followed her to toilet, to try my uniform size.
M does really fits me well =)
then she asked me to read about the terms & conditions.
gila banyak. cerewet btl.
so i'll start working next week, on monday.

i met my friends later, told them all about it. and they're shocked too!
they said, "bertuah gila kau. mmg rezeki kau kot hari neh =)"
haha yea, since i want to work there badly.
i mean the uniform is purple in colour.
wow, my favourite colour tuhh.
haha and the most important thing is, its a bakery shop!
mmg minat sgt dr dulu tau.
suka dgn bread & cakes neh. mcm best sgt.
oh ohh, its Lavender, anyway.
nama kedai tuh ;)

but the worse thing is, xle pakai tudung.
wear a cap instead of scarf.
told my mum just now, dia mcm so-so la.
then she asked my dad, and ayah cm ok.
dia tak tnya lgsg psl tudung thingy tuh.
dia tanya benda lain. haha yeayy!
and and, kena makeup.
omygoshh. gila ke?
yg tu kena pk thousand times.
blusher? lipstick? urgghhh! so not me!
simple2 je dah. xyah pkai compact powder sume.
johnson & johnson baby powder pun dh ckup wangi.
ahahhah =p

mcm tak percaya je nk kerja, kan?
haha am i dreaming right now??
ohhh god


Iena said...

ohh aku tahu...!!


fajrin said...

mana bolehh. huhu =p
baru igt nk surprise kau.