Tuesday, April 7, 2009


hm nothing much to say about today.
its just the same day as previously.
nothing interesting.
its just, i was too lazy to wake up from my bed.
god, i love my bed.
kdg2 tu dah awake, tp masih lagi bermalas-malasan atas katil.
berangan nk dpt banglo, and kereta idaman, mini cooper s. *woot-woott =p
haha yes, keep on dreaming, fajin.

but seriously, pagi td cm ngantuk sgt.
goshh. taktau la kenapa.
after subuh, he called.
and we talked for about 3omins.
he said he wanna meet me later, or anytime, today.
i said i'll try, but i cant promise.
lastly tak jumpa pun.
ada sebab2 yg tak dpt dielakkan.

so, all msgs and calls, semua kena ignore.
dalam kepala cm, "layan tido lg best. hmm"
haha sorry.
but then i got a call from qusya.
it was the 5th call?
we talked about, hm still the same old issue. about her boyf, imran.
oh i mean her ex, currently.
jd pendengar yg setia dh ckup bagus lah kan?
haha but i feel sorry for her.
how could imran do that?
oh god. wujud juga org mcm tu dlm dunia neh, kan?

by 2pm, went to school with mira.
she said she wanna took school magazine kt office.
but as we arrived there,
the kerani said "belum diserahkan ke pejabat lg la dik"
i asked mira, "asal tak ckp awal2?"
then she said, "mana la aku tawu. laili kata dia dh dpt"
goshh. down sgt.
singgah kantin jap, wow! dah berubah.
susunan meja je la yg berubah. nothing much. haha.
beli sausage, letak sambal.
seriously rinduuu! makanan fave time skola dulu.
and slalu je kena ejek dgn gang 08, according to intan, puja & taha.
*haha tak berapa faham dgn gelaran tu, actually.
kena ejek cz, mm korg faham2 la yeh.
sensitive cket if nk ckp kt sini. hahah

then mira said she wanna eat at KFC.
so we went there, and she treat me a drink.
thanks mira! =)
after we finished, beli cendol.
tiba2 mengidam. haha pelikk.
then pegi speedmart, mama pesan suruh beli roti.
haih nasib baik sempat.
and lebih nasib baik, tak jumpa that guy.
*ekin, you-know-who lah kan. haha
after kua tu, npk ada vacancy kt excellence.
mira said i should go in and ask about the vacancy.
but the counter girl said cawangan telok dh full. if ada kosong mayb dkt sri cheeding.
sri cheeding?? jauh kott.
so i was like, "urmm takpe lah. hehe terima kasih"

went back home.
borak2, tiba2 mama ckp, "fajin, esok jogging nak?"
then i said, "hm tgk la kalau rajin. and tgk mood"
mira & mama is not being satisfied with my answer.
so mira said, habis nnt kalau masuk army, suruh kawad, kau ckp mcm ni.. "maaf tuan, tkde mood la nk kawad"
i laughed. haha betul gak, eh.
mama added, "tah awk ni. mana boleh asyik nk ikut mood je"
then i said, "hm yelah2. tp kejut la esok. kang terbabas pulak"
in my mind, ive been thinking, mcm lah aku bangun esok.
after subuh terus pengsan.
sayang oh tido. agagaga =p

oh oh, esok nak tgk shopaholic dgn intan & mira.
hopefully pika will join us. aaaaaa rinduuu!
its 12.35am already.
so better tido awal mlm neh. boleh mimpi lama cket.
ngahahah. toodles! ;)

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