Friday, April 10, 2009

Late, again.

i slept at 4am last night.
been on my bed at 3am.
it took me an hour to fall asleep.
a lot of thoughts. yes, it is.
ive been thinking about him, him and him.
before this senang je nk tdo.
why? cz hati senang. dia pun sentiasa bersama.

but not last night.
everything is changed.
its a BIG difference. goshh. i hate this situation.
i need the old him.
who understands me a lot than what he used to be right now.
i opened arif profile on myspace just now.
and found up this interesting sentences.

It's my fault, I'm sorry
That we had this fight
I apologize, would you hug me tonight?
Here in my bed you're miles away from me
Here in my head you're never close to me
Come on, don't be mad, I told you I need you
Come on, don't be sad, I'm still in love with you

yes, sgt sesuai dgn situation ktorg skrg.
oh god. she screwed our life like a b***h.
and now, it seems like it was all my fault.
hah. unbelievable.
hebat betul plan kau, kan?
and yes, it worked out.
happy lah kau, kan? have it, girl. enjoyed.
apa salahnya sekali sekala kau happy, kan?
tkpe, aku faham. kau mmg desperate sgt.
its ok. hari neh mmg hari kau. esok lusa, siapa yg tahu?
just pray for the best.

hopefully things will be alright.
malam td pk juga, cmne nk kerja if ada masalah?
takut distracted.
i need him. cz he's my spirit booster.
without him, im weak. too weak.

he texted me this morning. around 6++ am?
asked me to call him.
but my credit wasnt enough. and i told him that.
tak lama lepas tu, he called.
by using his lil' sister number.
im pretty shocked, actually.
we talked for about 30mins.
most of the time he'd been silent.
its urm, awkward.
tak semesra dulu. yepp, thats the truth.
and bila ckp je, mst cm nak argue.
oh god. please, i really hate it.
but one thing that im sure of, is about what i feels.
my heartbeat. still pounds up very faster like before.
thank god. perasaan yg sama. tak berubah. alhamdulillah =)

keep on praying, fajin.
pray for the best. dont give up too fast.
ure not that weak, kan?
stand up straight, and told them that u're okay.
prove to them that u're a strong girl.
yes. yes u are ;)

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