Friday, March 27, 2009

Duhh. im bored

Yea, thanks to farah la kan cz tagged saya =p


7 ciri lelaki idaman saya
• Tall
• When he smiles, his whole face brightens up and will instantaneously make you happy
• Smells nice
• Spontaneous
• Caring
• Smart and non-smoker, please?

7 lelaki yang pernah saya minati [cinta?]
Well, my 1st crush is when i was in kindergarten. His name is Iqram. Comell. Haha i fell in love with him mse kotrg menari tarian tradisional. Yepp, ktorg main dancer. Cewahh.
A prefect when i was in standard3. Heh. He is a brother of my friend. Every morning we would walk together to school. Along with my friend laa. Tkde la berdua je. Hahah.
Nicky Byrne from Westlife. Sumpah. Comell. And im still a crazy fan of his.
• A chinese boy mse form2, kot. Seriously. Jatuh cinta gila! And sometimes rse mcm syok sendiri. Wawawa =p
Mamat Forever21 kt Pavilion. Hahaha. Masa tu klaka gila kott.
• Chad Michael Murray. Yep yep!
• Kim Heechul, Lee Donghae, Kim Kibum & Choi Shiwon.
• Currently in looove with Lee Minho, KimBum & Kim Hyun Joong =p

7 perasaan sekiranya keluar dengan orang yang diminati [cinta?]
• My heart pounds up very fast.
• Nervous sampai kadang2 terspeechless.
• Got butterflies in my tummy, for sure.
• Happy. Not just happy. Bahagia.
• I felt like I was in my own world.
Kalau sakit terus rasa mcm sihat.
Menggigil, sometimes =p

7 tempat istimewa yang ingin dilawati bersama orang yang tersayang
• Paris!
• The most beautiful Island in the world.
Korea. yeayyy!
• China's Great Wall.
• Holland in spring.
Tepi tasik bawah pokok and tengok stars all night.
Mana2 pun tak kisah janji tak busuk.

7 barangan/sesuatu istimewa yang mungkin dihadiahkan buat orang tersayang
• Errr. Surprise ahh! Mana boleh bgtwu. Hahaha =p

7 Lagu yang anda nyanyikan untuk orang tersayang
Mariah Carey - My All [tp susah kot lagu tu =p]
Super Junior - Endless Moment
Sixpence None Richer - Kiss Me
N'Sync - This I Promise You
Edwin McCain - I'll Be
Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One.
Westlife - More Than Words

1. Take a recent CUTE photo of yourself.
2. Don't change anything, edit or whatever.
3. Post that photo.
4. Post this instructions with the photo.
5. Tag 10 people to do this.

I tag Syikin & Amalina

Thursday, March 26, 2009


goshh. im in love again, with Super Junior. a top singing group from Korea. damn.
i watch their new mv, "sorry sorry" for about 30times, i guess?
or more, perhaps.
ive been crazy watching over it.

but im kind of frust with heechul's new hair.
it was too short.
and his face looked, weird :(
but i still have donghae.
hehe :D
and oh, currently in love with kyuhyun & yesung.
suara dorg best gilaa.

damn. i really hate sungmin.
he's trying so hard to look cute on every single performance.
and he act like he is so cool.
hell no. gedikk.

i miss kibum.
he is nowhere to be found.
not on super junior's comeback.
he's not even there.
he's been busy with shooting, etc etc.
dia selalu je tkde.
ish geram geram :(

Friday, March 13, 2009

A brand new life.

13th march 09.

ive promised myself that i'll study harder and harder after this.
after i got such an awful result yesterday.
i felt like im an idiot.
wayy too idiot.
and im just a burdensome to my parents.
i didnt make them proud.
instead of proud, they cried.
tears of... not happiness.
but tears of frustrated.

i cried too.
and i was down yesterday.
i cried 4 d whole day.
the worst day ive been through in my whole lifetime.
and ive promised myself that this will be the last.
ive been thinking of committing suicide yesterday.
i just thought of there will be an accident.
and im one of the victim.
and died on the spot.
but hell no.

faiz had awekened me up.
i started to think of Allah.
i went to bathroom,
to freshened up my body.
and i felt calm in there.
i started to think about everything.

then i perform the solah.
i prayed to Allah,
to soften mama & ayah's heart.
may they accept what is fated.
and to give me another chance,
to prove them that im not that stupid.
there's still a chance.
yes, there is.

credits to farah, mira, faiz, harithah, qusya, puja, and my other friends as well.
they support me up.
they said, if we failed once, doesnt means we'll fail forever.
thanks to them.
i dont know what would my life be without having them around.
i appreciate it :)

oh yes,
about my result,
alhamdulillah pass semua.
cuma addmaths je la, dpt E.
teruk, kan?
u can say whatever u want.
but its not going to affect my spirit.
there's still a hope.
and im always pray for it.

thank Allah ayah was okay.
he wasnt mad of me.
its just, mama is the problem right now.
but nevermind..
i understand what she feels.
and it takes time for her to back to normal.
keep praying, fajin.
dont give up too fast.

ayah suggest me to join army.
he said, think of ur future.
think of economy..
about will happen 4 ten years ahead.
walau ekonomi jatuh sekalipun,
benda yg takkan effect,
pendidikan, pertahanan, and there's another one.
cant remember what is it.

i had make up my mind.
i'll apply 4 any courses.
especially 4 language, army & teacher.

thanks to farah especially.
i remembered a thing she said last night.
i texted her, "i lost in this battle"
and she replied, "byk lg battles to come. this isnt the end"
credits to her then! =)

now im not the same old fajin anymore.
i have changed.
its a brand new me.
with a new spirit, new strength, new life, high hopes, and bright future.
keep praying 4 me.
fighting! :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


11th march 09.

hm the results will reveal tomorrow.
i had butterflies in my tummy right now.
i keep praying 4 my best result.
but i cant sit still.
i kept going here & there,
wondering what will i get 4 my result tomorrow.
will it be any subject that is fail?
i started thinking of addmaths & LK.
god. i flunked those paper.

i am much worried.
im wondering how many a's i'll get, too.
everyone kept asking me the same question, "berapa A target?"
i said, "i dont know. tkde target. and tak berani nak target. phobia"
the same question & answer.
thats it.

im really hoping 4 a miracle to happen tomorrow.
when i pray just now,
i promised to myself that i'll study harder when i got into university o matrix.
yupp, i want to be a successful woman.
and i want to make my parents proud.
i want to prove them that i can do it.
i'll pray 4 my friends too.
my classmates especially.
i really miss them.
i miss the teachers.
i hope i can meet all of them tomorrow.

god. i really want to scream out loud right now.
tension tahap dewa bulan.
i am still missing him somehow.
damn. i really do.
its torturing me.
wish my luck.
and pray 4 me.
hopefully i'll get the best result.
insyaallah. aamin :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


5th march 09.

im about to transfer all of the picture frm the camera to laptop.
but guess what?
the camera battery is weak.
cm tahi, kan?
alaaa malas gila nk charge.

sorry to nazli.
cz he's the one who wants all of the picture.
ahaha excited eh nk tgk?
well yea,
its frm the outing.
we went out to sunway pyramid yesterday.
along with mira & pika.
and we had a blast, of course!
miahahah =p

tu la,
td igt nk letak pix skali.
but battery pulak weak.

esok ah cte.
alright, till then~

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


3rd march 09.

we went to watch a movie last night.
mira & durrani [mira's lil' bro] also joined us.
before we went to the cinema which is at 2nd floor,
mama & ayah said they want to solat isyak first.
it was 9pm that time.
and i said, i want to went upstairs 1st to buy snacks/popcorn.
takot tak sempat je nnt.
cz movie ktorg start at 9.20.

so i went there 1st with mira, durrani & jihan.
after we bought all the things we need,
we sat on a bench, waiting 4 my mum & dad.
here's some pics from us :)

in the cinema,
i sat beside shamin.
while mira, durrani & jihan at my back.
mama & ayah at the front.

the guy who sat beside mira was so,
pfffffttttt! ANNOYING!
cz he imitated the upin & ipin voice.
not only for a second or on a certain scene,
but he's doing it all of the time!
poor mira.
he's so loud til i could hear his voice.
i thought it was a kid.
but suddenly mira said its a big guy,
dah dewasa dah pun.
hello mister. tak reti nk hormat org lain ke?
mira said she couldnt understand wht the story is all about.
just because of that annoying guy.
urghhh gila!