Tuesday, March 3, 2009


3rd march 09.

we went to watch a movie last night.
mira & durrani [mira's lil' bro] also joined us.
before we went to the cinema which is at 2nd floor,
mama & ayah said they want to solat isyak first.
it was 9pm that time.
and i said, i want to went upstairs 1st to buy snacks/popcorn.
takot tak sempat je nnt.
cz movie ktorg start at 9.20.

so i went there 1st with mira, durrani & jihan.
after we bought all the things we need,
we sat on a bench, waiting 4 my mum & dad.
here's some pics from us :)

in the cinema,
i sat beside shamin.
while mira, durrani & jihan at my back.
mama & ayah at the front.

the guy who sat beside mira was so,
pfffffttttt! ANNOYING!
cz he imitated the upin & ipin voice.
not only for a second or on a certain scene,
but he's doing it all of the time!
poor mira.
he's so loud til i could hear his voice.
i thought it was a kid.
but suddenly mira said its a big guy,
dah dewasa dah pun.
hello mister. tak reti nk hormat org lain ke?
mira said she couldnt understand wht the story is all about.
just because of that annoying guy.
urghhh gila!

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