Saturday, February 28, 2009


27th february 09.

okay. here's the things went.
i drove the car yesterday evening.
my dad's car.
we [shamin, jihan & me] went to 7-eleven.
when i was about entering the main road,
i felt like i hit something.
cz shamin said "kak fajin! sakit lah"
yea, i feel it too.
jihan's at the back. she said, "kak fajin dah nk langgar india yg naik motor tu"
OMG. i did?
then shamin add, "kak fajin langgar lubang td. lubang besar"
god. i swear. i didnt notice it.
it was on my left side. i couldnt see anything.

when we reached home,
jihan hastily opened the door, to check outside the car.
then she said "kak fajin! habislaaa"
and shamin add "gila ahh"
oh god. i knew something terrible had happened.
so i went out.
and OH. MY. GOD.
theres a big, big & long scratch under the car's door.
and worst, kemek.
god. im scared to death.
im afraid that ayah will scold me if he know abt this.
im so dead. worse than dead.

so i said to them, "diam. jangan bgtwu mama & ayah. buat2 xtwu je"
then they said, "klw ayah perasan cmne?"
i replied, "ala buat bdo je aa. klw ayah tnya ckp je xtwu. tiba2 jd cmtu"
well, im not good at lying though.
but i have to. desperate moment.
tipu sunat.
im sorry ma, ayah =(

at night,
i told him about it.
and he said, better bgtwu.
sooner or later they'll find out.
and obviously they'll blame me.
since i was driving the car all the way yesterday.
but i said to him, i couldnt. i just cant.
telling them the truth? its a no-no.
its hard 4 me to do it.
i dont want to get scolded.
so i think the best way is to pretend like nothing had happened

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