Tuesday, January 25, 2011

They said..

Out to dinner with housemates just now. I often make sounds like ahhh! ouch! aww! well yeah since my butt hurts if I over moved. And they said, "fajin do you still wanna go to Singapore?" I replied, "of courseeee!" Hm  the thing is, they said that this is like the bad sign for me to go to SG this weekend since I don't have the "restu" from my parents. Yeah they know nothing bout me going to SG for a concert. Super Junior's concert. Idk what they'll respond if they know bout this oh God I'm such a dead meat -.-

Hmm the things that they said bout the bad sign really bothers me. I even think bout it now. Who said I'm not worried? Sighs it actually scares me. Anything can happen during the journey gosh I'm praying for the best hopefully I'll safely arrive..

It's just 5days away to SS3 SG and I'm afghjkls exicted!!!!!! I really need to recover ASAP okay I mean it. Please pray for me too! Thanks in advance! ^^

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