Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bad luck :(

I slipped and fell in the toilet last night sobs my butt hurts like asfghjk >.< I can't even sit, get up and even walk properly ohmygod why now whyyyyy?!! Mum asked me to see the doctor and I went to Az-Zahrah that night and the doctor was like hm... She just give me an injection and painkiller pills. Couldn't do the x-ray since its already late and it was closed already. Laila said she not being satisfied with the doctor's consultation and yeah I do agree cz she didn't even checked my body =.=

This afternoon I went to government hospital. At first I just wanna accompany Laila cz she's having red dots on her body we doesn't sure what it is but Ieka said it might be chicken pox. Lol her facial expression changed its really funny to see her like that XD Then Laila asked me to check my body too. I did, and once again, couldn't do the x-ray cz the machine is broken oh God do you know how curious I am bout my butt bones condition? But the doctor is much more better than the previous one she said if I had a bone fracture I couldn't walk or move at all! Fuhh I'm relieved.. Thank goodness I still can walk. She gave me an mc for 2days sighs I'll miss my studies! Like, A LOT! :(

p/s ; please be extra careful on a WET floor kaythanksbye.


intanshafinaz said...

fajin!!!! are you okayy? cam teruk je. *sgtrisau.

faiQha said...

cik bOntot...hati2 Laen kaLi dLm tOiLet ..Otokeh..=)

fajrin said...

intan ; hm okay je its just, i need to control my movements. takbleh ganas2 cm dulu sobs ;(((((

ieka ; haha kau pun sama. eh tapi our toilet floor tu memang slippery lah haih T__T