Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Esok aft subuh balik Terengganu. Going to celebrate Raya Haji there. Hati ni macam berat je nak balik I don't even know whyy :(

Dah la tengah sedih depress emo semua lepastu nak kena pack barang ish serious malas. Mama, Ayah, boleh tak if Fajin tanak balik kampung?

TAK BOLEHHHH! [this must be their respond tsk ;(]


Zati told me just now that SS3 in Malaysia had been cancelled and will be replace with SS3 in Vietnam. Oh this is really a heart-breaker. A hope that will never comes true. Lots of MELFs are really anticipated for it and I'm pretty sure that some of them already save up their money for SS3 and then suddenly poof! It's gone. And some of them already buy the flight tix to attend the concert. You know what I mean right?

Feels like blaming everyone. SME, Redstar, JYJ fans and also Vietnamese. No offense, please. I'm just out of control. My brain didn't function very well right now. Emo muchh!

I don't know whether this thing is true or not. But... Read this!

The Vietnamese post this on Twitter.
JessicaJFacts ; 90% SS3 will be in Vietnam. Recently, SMTown staff have come to an offline meeting of ELFs in Vietnam. We're really excited xD'


JessicaJFacts ; SS3 in Malaysia is comfirmed t...o be cancelled. SS3 will be in Vietnam instead xD Yay ~!!!
[credits to Izzati Norazmi]

Sounds real, right? I mean, it is convincing. Oh how I wish that this is just a part of my worst nightmare!

I just wanna kill everyone right now!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy :)

I really had a good laugh with my family members at the dine table just now. Too bad Farah isn't there with all six of us. But after all, it is fun! :D We shared all the funny jokes that just happen recently. And I told them a story where I wanted to scare Syu but she didn't get scared at all LOL :P

Now I'll tell you the full story..

That night we decided to eat outside. Its kinda late that time and all four of us [Ieka, Syu, Lela and me] were still bermalas2an on our bed. Since I slept outside [hall] with Lela since months ago, Ieka and Syu sometimes loved to join us. Watching movies etc. Then later that night I asked Syu to take a bath first. I don't know where the hell is the idea came from but I said to Ieka, "nak takutkan Syu lah". I quickly got up and went to Syu's room. When I passed by the stairs, I saw telekungs were hanging there and I think that if I wear this, it would be much real :) Ieka and Lela helped me. I wore the telekung backwards. Oh I mean the face part is on my head. So I had difficulties on breathing and I can't even see a thing! Lela and Ieka switched off the lights. Okay this is no fun.

So I waited outside the bathroom. Trying my best not to laugh. Oh it kills me, seriously. I can't stand much longer. But then Ieka shouted, "Syu lama lagi kee? Cepat kita tak tahan nak b**ak ni". I giggled inside the telekung. Lama okay tunggu Syu. Macam tau2 je nak kena prank hee :D And I heard that she's ready to go out. Then the moment she opened the door, I went straight in front the door and I yelled "Haaaaaaaaaargghhh!" Okay no respond I wonder why. Then I lol-ed and I took off my telekung and I saw Syu is rubbing her small eyes. She didn't wear her spec! Oh myy.. ROFL! Then Lela and Ieka came up and scolded me cz it doesn't worked at all! And they said, "bodoh la fajinnn macam tu kau takutkan orang? tu bukan hantu namanya". And we all laughed.

Okay seriously rasa macam hantu yg sangat lawak. I told my family this story just now and they all laugh so hard! I saw Ayah giggled LOL it is hilarious to watch him laughing that way. Oh how I looooved them! ^^

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh kill me!

Watch this video til the end and you'll know how adorable Donghae is.

One word. I died.

Oh God Donghae is just too cute to resist help me I can't get rid of him out of my head oh please!

Seriously, whoever the owner of the camera is, she's lucky. Damn lucky. I watched this video thousand times and I imagine if that camera is mine, I would play the video for all of the time. Non-stop okay seriously.

There's just no reason for me to dislike you. Urghh!

Friday, November 12, 2010


While downloading SS2 DVD just now, I saw this..

It was during the members introduction and it's Donghae's turn. He went over the fans and randomly grab the hand and he kissed. F**kkkk! You have no idea how I explode just now. Poor Shamine became my victim. Luckily I didn't hit her so hard. Marah bengang geram tsk ;( I never thought he would do that. Oh Donghae you really screwed up my day.

I hate you. Bye.


Naruto = Nickhunnnnnnn!!! Okay boleh mati sekarang. Lol its always been him in my head recently. Time nak jawab exam pun boleh lagi terbayang Nickhun's part in I'll Be Back.

Nickhun's rap is EPIC!! His pronunciation is just, awesome! He looks great with just a headband omg I can't breathe. Seriously I'm in love with him. Well yeah, my current obsession tehee :D

But but, Donghae is still the first, don't worry :)


Kau bodoh.

Hahaha regretting for the wrong things you have done to me? Stupid you. Masa aku serious dengan kau, kau main2. Now nak regret pulak. Well kiss my ass dude! Get a life, seriously.

Thanks to you cz I'm so happy with my life right now. Feel much more better without you. Opps isn't it too mean? Who cares, anyway :P


MONEYYYY! I need more money, pleaseeeeeeeeee? I wanna go to ss3 in Singapore so badly! Now I got no money left in my purse. Nak keluarkan from Tabung Haji, mesti ayah tak kasi. For my future, he said tsk ;( But this is my future too, Ayah. Nak jumpa Donghae! *roll on the floor crying*

Monday, November 8, 2010


For the past 3weeks I've been merajuk sebab tunggu Donghae update twitter tapi tak update2 punnn. So oleh yg demikian, saya mengambil keputusan untuk tidak online kerana takut kecewa tsk ;( Oh how pathetic kann HAHA!

Well since I already MERDEKA! *clapping hands, I decided to online. Bukak je twitter, first thing first mesti lah stalk dia! Then tengok banyak gila eh new tweet from him. Urghh feels like slapping him! Penat je merajuk lepastu kau boleh pulak update twitter kann grrr!

Well yeah as usual, he mention ELF on his tweet but tah la.. It hurts, honey you know? T____T
Benci Donghae!

Tapi sayangggg hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


One word,



Freedom is the best satisfaction everrrr! ^^

Saturday, November 6, 2010


It's 3.57 in the morning and I still can't sleep. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. Bantu lah aku, ya Allah!

Give up.

Seriously I don't think that I could do this. I can't control this fu**ing feelings anymore. Que sera sera.. Whatever will be, will be. Biarlah saya kecewa.. Saya berserah.

Oh damn I started to hate myself!

No title.

I want himmmm!!!! I do think that we can be a perfect match :D Oh stop being perasan, Fajin. He's just not that into you. Get a life, seriously.

Alaa tapi nakkkkkkkkkkkkk! Macam mana? :'(

It's always been him inside my head for the whole time! Macam boleh jadi gila je. God, I really hate this feeling. The feeling of falling in love... [oh so gay!]

I need to buang this perasaan jauh2. Takut kecewa nanti. But....

Urghh don't be that weak! Come on, Fajin. You have to, okay?

Hm well, as a saying says, "Prevention is much much more better than cure"

I guess I need to control my mind not to thinking too much bout him. Yeah you go girl! ^^
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