Saturday, November 6, 2010

No title.

I want himmmm!!!! I do think that we can be a perfect match :D Oh stop being perasan, Fajin. He's just not that into you. Get a life, seriously.

Alaa tapi nakkkkkkkkkkkkk! Macam mana? :'(

It's always been him inside my head for the whole time! Macam boleh jadi gila je. God, I really hate this feeling. The feeling of falling in love... [oh so gay!]

I need to buang this perasaan jauh2. Takut kecewa nanti. But....

Urghh don't be that weak! Come on, Fajin. You have to, okay?

Hm well, as a saying says, "Prevention is much much more better than cure"

I guess I need to control my mind not to thinking too much bout him. Yeah you go girl! ^^

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