Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy :)

I really had a good laugh with my family members at the dine table just now. Too bad Farah isn't there with all six of us. But after all, it is fun! :D We shared all the funny jokes that just happen recently. And I told them a story where I wanted to scare Syu but she didn't get scared at all LOL :P

Now I'll tell you the full story..

That night we decided to eat outside. Its kinda late that time and all four of us [Ieka, Syu, Lela and me] were still bermalas2an on our bed. Since I slept outside [hall] with Lela since months ago, Ieka and Syu sometimes loved to join us. Watching movies etc. Then later that night I asked Syu to take a bath first. I don't know where the hell is the idea came from but I said to Ieka, "nak takutkan Syu lah". I quickly got up and went to Syu's room. When I passed by the stairs, I saw telekungs were hanging there and I think that if I wear this, it would be much real :) Ieka and Lela helped me. I wore the telekung backwards. Oh I mean the face part is on my head. So I had difficulties on breathing and I can't even see a thing! Lela and Ieka switched off the lights. Okay this is no fun.

So I waited outside the bathroom. Trying my best not to laugh. Oh it kills me, seriously. I can't stand much longer. But then Ieka shouted, "Syu lama lagi kee? Cepat kita tak tahan nak b**ak ni". I giggled inside the telekung. Lama okay tunggu Syu. Macam tau2 je nak kena prank hee :D And I heard that she's ready to go out. Then the moment she opened the door, I went straight in front the door and I yelled "Haaaaaaaaaargghhh!" Okay no respond I wonder why. Then I lol-ed and I took off my telekung and I saw Syu is rubbing her small eyes. She didn't wear her spec! Oh myy.. ROFL! Then Lela and Ieka came up and scolded me cz it doesn't worked at all! And they said, "bodoh la fajinnn macam tu kau takutkan orang? tu bukan hantu namanya". And we all laughed.

Okay seriously rasa macam hantu yg sangat lawak. I told my family this story just now and they all laugh so hard! I saw Ayah giggled LOL it is hilarious to watch him laughing that way. Oh how I looooved them! ^^

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