Thursday, October 21, 2010


As usual, I let my blog been abandoned. I really had no time to update everything. Hm many things happened recently. I don't know where I should start. But hey! I got a new friend. Woots! ^^

It is nice to know him in person, you know. I really hope that we could make a pair of good friends. But I don't know why all of my friends were gossiping me with him. Is it wrong to have a boyfriend? Saya kawan je dengan lelaki lain takda pun kena gossip :P

Oh btw, last week we had a mini handball tournament. I participated :) But in cheers. Well the luck is on our side. We won the 2nd prize winner! *Clapping hands ^^ It is quite shocked since our team didn't put much effort on winning the prize. Yeah last minute discussion and last minute practice, but it ends up being on the 2nd spot! Congrats to us! Yeayyyy! *Cehh padahal 2nd place je tu pun nak kecoh. Lalala :P

Well I had a dinner with my family just now. Celebrating my belated birthday. Tsk sedih je lambat celebrate. But nevermind, at least something than nothing! Yuhuu thanks Mama, Ayah! Thanks for everything. I love you both til death! You both were such a great parents everrr! No one can ever replace your spot :D

Basically today is a great day! But....


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