Friday, October 22, 2010


Just now Kak Ain a.k.a Farah's friend sent me a message through fb. She asked me about the SME's thingy. And also, about SS3 in Malaysia. But then she asked me whether I'm going to SS3 in Singapore or not. I said nooo because I don't have any friends to go with. Then she asked me to go there with her! Okayy seriously nak pergi! But but, takut tak dapat green light from parents. Ufff! Ah tak kira, nak pergi juga! By hook or by crook :P

So, I have to starve for this whole month since the ticket will be sold on next month. The ticket price is about 497rm, if I'm not mistaken. Like the previous SS2 ticket in Malaysia. Will I survive? YES, definitely! Anything for my babyyy! ^^

Well talking bout SS3 really makes my heart pounds up very fast! This will be the best thing ever! Lebih seronok daripada ada boyfriend previously. Lol :P

Seriously I can't wait to see you my darling! *jumps off happily :D

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