Friday, October 22, 2010


I am so freaking looooooved this song! Like, seriously.
Angela, by Super Junior :)

i think of the first time that i saw you.. in a moment, my heart fell apart
although you’re cold-hearted, you’re too wonderful of a person to erase

you are my angel, whisper softly
an affectionate whisper: “i love you everyday”
the sadness of only one.. i pray that i won’t wake up from this dream

i’ll be okay.. i’ve always been like this.
even being behind you, i’m still happy like this
tears fall again, even at your jokes
because i have to stay by your side with just a cold face

when you’re lonely, or even when you’re sad, if that man who can protect you is me
i can love you right now as you are.. forever, really forever

you are my angel, whisper softly
i imagined your once-sweet smile all night long
the memories of staying up all night from one meaningless word

i’ll be okay.. i’ve always been like this.
even the brushing past of your hand makes me happy like this
tears fall again, even at your playfulness
because i have to stay by your side just as your most comfortable friend
(ohh~ by your side, by your side)

i shouldn’t be thinking thoughts like this
i know the place that i should have
now i’ll erase you who fills my mind

love me.. no, forget me.
even being behind you, i’m still happy like this
tears fall again, even at your jokes
because i have to stay by your side just as your most comfortable friend
i just have to stay by your side.. next to you.. forever


Just now Kak Ain a.k.a Farah's friend sent me a message through fb. She asked me about the SME's thingy. And also, about SS3 in Malaysia. But then she asked me whether I'm going to SS3 in Singapore or not. I said nooo because I don't have any friends to go with. Then she asked me to go there with her! Okayy seriously nak pergi! But but, takut tak dapat green light from parents. Ufff! Ah tak kira, nak pergi juga! By hook or by crook :P

So, I have to starve for this whole month since the ticket will be sold on next month. The ticket price is about 497rm, if I'm not mistaken. Like the previous SS2 ticket in Malaysia. Will I survive? YES, definitely! Anything for my babyyy! ^^

Well talking bout SS3 really makes my heart pounds up very fast! This will be the best thing ever! Lebih seronok daripada ada boyfriend previously. Lol :P

Seriously I can't wait to see you my darling! *jumps off happily :D

Thursday, October 21, 2010


As usual, I let my blog been abandoned. I really had no time to update everything. Hm many things happened recently. I don't know where I should start. But hey! I got a new friend. Woots! ^^

It is nice to know him in person, you know. I really hope that we could make a pair of good friends. But I don't know why all of my friends were gossiping me with him. Is it wrong to have a boyfriend? Saya kawan je dengan lelaki lain takda pun kena gossip :P

Oh btw, last week we had a mini handball tournament. I participated :) But in cheers. Well the luck is on our side. We won the 2nd prize winner! *Clapping hands ^^ It is quite shocked since our team didn't put much effort on winning the prize. Yeah last minute discussion and last minute practice, but it ends up being on the 2nd spot! Congrats to us! Yeayyyy! *Cehh padahal 2nd place je tu pun nak kecoh. Lalala :P

Well I had a dinner with my family just now. Celebrating my belated birthday. Tsk sedih je lambat celebrate. But nevermind, at least something than nothing! Yuhuu thanks Mama, Ayah! Thanks for everything. I love you both til death! You both were such a great parents everrr! No one can ever replace your spot :D

Basically today is a great day! But....


Darn you, SME!

Okay seriously you screwed off everything! A small thing you turned it into a BIG problem! What the hell is wrong with you actually? Just because of Redstar has brought JYJ into Malaysia you want to cancel SS3? I don't know where the hell is your brain. Seriously if SS3 is really not going to happen in Malaysia I would bash you up! Like, anywhere and everywhere. Urghh damn you!

For the time being, I'm praying for the best. I really hope that I wouldn't be canceled.