Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bad day.

Screw today and tomorrow! Sumpah benci. Ok today was completely a disaster! Told ya that I hate it when people yelling at me. I don't care who you are but pleasee, don't do the things that I really don't like. Tell you what, I'm not deaf yet so don't yell at me as if I was completely deaf! Pfhh.

My mum. She scolded me just now. Everything I did was wrong. Semua tak kena. Eh apesal tah. Selalu cakap pasal dunia nak kiamat lepastu bebel pasal tak tutp aurat semua. Eh saya tawu lahh no need to remind me like, thousand times. Dulu mama pakai skirt lagi, apa cerita? Ish sumpah bengang. Dah la accuse macam2. Suka buat assumption sendiri. Eh tolong la dah la serabut pasal esok lepastu ni pula jadi. Goshh!

Don't make me curse here, please.

Benci semua. Screw everything. My life sucks. Totally.

I'm thinking bout death right now.

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