Sunday, July 11, 2010

A week without my drugs.

My Drugs = SJ

Yeah it's a fact. My whole week turns into a disaster. Seriously, I can't live without my drugs. They're too strong. I can't deny it.

Okay now kena remind myself bawak laptop! Ishh macam mana la boleh tertinggal. Haih. Internet pula takde lagi kat rumah sewa. Duhh suffer much!

A week without updating about them really torture me. Sumpah rasa cm lost. Rindu dorang? Hm tak payah cakap. Bila dapat tengok mv No Other, terus je burst! Rindu yg menyesakkan jiwa :(

Saturday, July 3, 2010

No Other.

The title really suits this post. Sumpah, "No Other" than Super Junior. Okay No Other is a song title from their repackaged album. This song was created by Leeteuk and Henry themselves. OMG they really did a great job! The result was superb!

Watched their performance on Music Bank this evening. I really anticipated for it since the MV wasn't released yet. Darn you SME! Blame you for this. The MV supposed to be out before their performance, right? Or they didn't have MV for this song? LOL :P

But hell yeah the song was great, their dance was ppperfect! Their looks, aishh can't describe it. They all looked adorable in there. The dance reminds me of their Miracle performance. Goshh I really missed those times ;( But hey, no more shirtless. Well, they are showing their gentleman side. Previously on Miinah they showed their masculine side. *drools :D

I don't know what else to say. Just watch this video. Enjoyyyy ^^

The best part was, they all looked soooo happy in here, isn't it? Leeteuk, especially :) Yeah I know its your song, you must be proud of it right? Well done oppa! Henry and you really did an excellent job! Woots! ^^

Friday, July 2, 2010

Leeteuk's birthday surprise :)

Well as what I've expected, the members really prepared something for the leader. Throwing a cake to Teukie's face lol that was EPIC! ^^

You guys daebakk! ^^

LOL teukie's face :D

Actually there's a video of it as well but I can't upload it here. Idk why but I think its going bitchy. Sighs.

But nevermind if you really wanna watch it you may find it on videos at my fb profile. Tu pun kalau rajin :P

Oh it's raining today. I wonder if it's raining in Korea too. If it is, then Teuk must be very happy. As he claimed that he is the angel without wings. Because it was raining when he was born.
LOL ^^

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I don't even know how to start it. Everything was such a mess!

Went to Bangi for registration at 11am. But sesat, so I arrived there at 12pm lebih macam tu. Went to BSN to pay the fees and then went to print shop to print all the documents. Meet Kai there :)

So after we settled our things there, its already 1pm. The registration closed for a while [lunch hour]. Then by 2pm we went back there. Okay at the "sahsiah rupa diri" section, tak lepas. Cz I'm wearing skinny and long kemeja. Hello tutup punggung okayy. She said, "Saya memang tak boleh nak lepaskan awak. Pergi tukar baju kurung" I was like, whatthehell? Last sem boleh jee ish sumpah bodoh! How on Earth am I going to find baju kurung on the spot? Tell me!

But thank God Kai ada. So I borrow hers. Dah kena patah balik pergi rumah sewa. Nasib baik kat 15teen. Kalau kat section3 memang nak mati lah kan. Ok time tu sumpah dah macam, cursing gila babi. Non-stop. Maaf lah ya emotional sebentar.

Then datang balik sana. 1st and 2nd section, lepas. Sampai je 3rd section, stuck. Cz Kai having some problems. So we went out of the line and discuss. She have to see the Director to disucss about her problems. Ok I accompanied her, sebab tak sampai hati pula nak biarkan dia sorang2. Besides, she already waited for me and accompanied me before that. So fair lah kan.

She asked me to settle down my registration first, but I was like, nevermind lagipun bukannya lama sangat kan. Ok I thought sempat la cz registration close at 4.30pm. And it was 3pm that time. So I waited for her outside. Then, got this one kerani passed by and another one kerani at the counter asked, "Dah habis ke registration?" And she answered, "Haa dah habis dah, baru je tadi" Ok GREAT! F**kkkkkk! Ok that was absolutely, goshh! I don't know how to describe it. Bodoh cakap 4.30pm tutup so tunggu je la sampai 4.30. Apa pemalas sangat dorang nih? Tu la orang melayu, cakap macam apa tah. Bloody hell!

So dengan perasaan kecewa marah bengang sakit hati, balik je la. Oh told ya before that I'm not a good driver right? I mean, jalan. Sumpah bab jalan ni memang lemah. I'm not a type of person yang ingat jalan. Lalu la 10times on the same road pun, I still can't remember it. Langsung, ok. Then cm takpe, ikut je la signboard Shah Alam. Ikut punya ikut then pufff! Hilang. Ok bagus la. Where the hell is Shah Alam? Get confused. Signboard mana nak ikut ni? Lalu Dengkil, reject. Lagi tak berani nak lalu jalan dalam. Now signboard to Ipoh, Kajang, and apa tah lagi. Shit laa where the hell is Shah Alam hah bodohh? And I took Kajang. Bagus, kan?

Ok sesat dekat highway, faham2 je la kan. U-turn bukan main jauh lagi. Sumpah babi. Dah la lalu kat tempat yang sama. Eh seriouslyyy.. *speechless.

Then called Laila. Idk why but her name popped up into my mind. Then cakap sesat semua. And she asked me where am I. I was like, taktauuuu. Macam kat mana2 je hwaaaaaaaaa! And lepastu ada 2exit right in front of me. The right side is Kajang and the left side is Sri Kembangan. I was like, Laila Sri Kembangan or Kajang? Cepaatttt! Then she also shouted, Sri Kembangan Sri Kembangan!! LOL she must be anxious just like me :D

Ok then I followed her direction bla bla bla [still, ada sesat sikit] but then lastly I found Bukit Jalil. Then I was like, fuhh! Sumpah kalau boleh nak melompat time tu juga. Lalu depan Stadium and Vista Komanwel, sumpah teringat! Both Farah's house and SJ! :( How I missed those times T___T

Alhamdulillah I reached home, finally. Thank God nothing bad happened. Now sakit2 badan drive lama sangat haih. Really wish Donghae is here, with me. Goshh I need him badly! ;(

p/s ; Orang sini memang drive lembab eh? Dah tawu slow kau amek la lane kiri bodohh taktau rules ke apa. Bongok nak mampos penat kaki aku tukar2 gear. And oh, korang tak reti guna signal ke? Bodoh dah tawu nak belok signal la ishh! Kalau aku langgar kau tadi macam mana? F**k!

Happy birthday Leeteuk!

Saengil chukka hamnida! Tawu yang tu je. Yang lain tak reti haha. Happy 28th birthday Park Jung Soo oppa! Omg you're that old? Lol you should get yourself a gf :D Thanks for being a great leader. You take care of your dongsaengs very well. Eventhough you're a big bully, it doesn't matter. I loooove the way you are. You're the eldest in SJ but you're acting like you're the youngest one. Lol I remember this pretty well. But I don't remember which member said this. But it's true. Haha you can't get rid of it, right? Nevermind, I still love you ^^

This must be from the fans. ELFs are so sweet, right? Taking care of our oppas ;)

Sorry Teukie oppa tak boleh nak cakap panjang2 cz I'm not in a good shape. I hope this is enough, for now. Have a blast! ^^

p/s ; I hope the member prepared something for him. Pranks, for sure. Hee can't wait for your videos on Twitter! ;)


Hm esok registration day. This morning, actually. Now is already 2.15am. I haven't prepare anything ok. Langsung. Print all the documents that will be needed pun tak. Packing pun tak. Ish apa nii?? Sumpah tak ready. Ah biar lah. Abaikan saja.

Okay tak suka jumpa semua orang esok. The 1st thing that they would ask is, how's your result? Okay ask me that and I'll slap you in the face. I'm not in the right mood to answer that kind of question.

Yeah this week mood sucks. So don't make me explode. Really.

Bad day.

Screw today and tomorrow! Sumpah benci. Ok today was completely a disaster! Told ya that I hate it when people yelling at me. I don't care who you are but pleasee, don't do the things that I really don't like. Tell you what, I'm not deaf yet so don't yell at me as if I was completely deaf! Pfhh.

My mum. She scolded me just now. Everything I did was wrong. Semua tak kena. Eh apesal tah. Selalu cakap pasal dunia nak kiamat lepastu bebel pasal tak tutp aurat semua. Eh saya tawu lahh no need to remind me like, thousand times. Dulu mama pakai skirt lagi, apa cerita? Ish sumpah bengang. Dah la accuse macam2. Suka buat assumption sendiri. Eh tolong la dah la serabut pasal esok lepastu ni pula jadi. Goshh!

Don't make me curse here, please.

Benci semua. Screw everything. My life sucks. Totally.

I'm thinking bout death right now.