Tuesday, February 23, 2010


arep texted me last night.
but i didnt reply his text bcz im so damn busy, doing my assignments.
then before i went to sleep, i text him.

he asked me to call him for a while.
its 3am that time.
god, i really need to sleep.
but i called him though.
and he asked me so many things okay.
he also start to call me as "sayang"
then i was like, gila apa mamat neh.
and he would like me to accompany him that night.
cz he couldnt sleep at all.
so we talked, a lot.
i teased him so many times and he sulked!
omg sgt tak percaya.
and he said that i dont understand him and he's so dissappointed.
i said, im sorry la okay.
then dia merajuk pula.
haishh apa kena la ngn arep neh.

bila dah okay tu dia mcm mengada2 pula.
i asked him whether he is sick or what,
but he said that he's just fine.
dalam hati mcm, salah mkn ubat agaknya dia neh.
slalu suka buli2 tp mlm td tak pula.
bila orang buli dia balik, merajuk.
and tak boleh terima.
weird, isnt it?

dah dah. malas nak fikir.
banyak lagi assignment nak kena buat.

Such a heartache.

I just cant believe that he would do such thing to me.
It's just, unbelievable.
He makes me cry, again.
It sucks. Yes it is.

I'm regret for being soo nice to him.
Always comforting him whenever he needs.
Always giving him another chance when he make mistakes.
I'm trying my best out of everything,
to let him know that i really love him.
But he never appreciate it.

A good heart always ends up broken.

Whyy? Why is he treating me like this?
Tension with loads of assignments?
Yes i do understand that.
Cz we both are in the same situation.

When i have problems, i share it with u.
Because only u can make me feel better.
But why u didn't do the same thing?
I don't really care about that.
But please, jaga hati i.

You also broke our promises.
You said that it's just between both of us.
But you're the one who broke it.
You don't even notice that, don't ya?
Because you never care about it.

You don't really know how much it hurts.
I'm not that strong, you know that right?

The last thing i would like you to know.
I had enough of this.
So please, stop.
And stay away from my life!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Such an idiot.

Okay why am i such an idiot?

I'm in love!
With who? You really dont want to know who is that person.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Kemalasan yang melampau.

i supposed to go bangi last friday, to take some of my stuff there.
books, perfume, and clothes.
cz its been a week i didnt went to college.
im infected by chicken pox, yes.
damn, kan?

so i missed a lot!
i mean, A LOT!
quizzes and test for sure.
and rasa mcm rugi gila tak dtg class account cz im starting to like the subject.
yela, since dah faham neh kan.
semangat je nak belajar.
kalau tak dulu dengar "account" je, i feel like vomiting.
menyampah sangat.
sampai sanggup pergi clinic minta mc semata2 nak skip class.
padahal bukannya sakit pun. ahaha :P

okay back to the story.
disebabkan malas yg teramat sangat, i keep on postponing.
the actual plan nak pergi pagi, then postpone tengahari pstu petang.
last2 tak pergi juga.
pastu cm, hm takpe, g esok je.
and here it is, sampai sekarang pun tak pergi2 lagi.
its already monday.
satu assignment pun tak usik lagi.
nak buat revision lagi, sempat ke?

The truth is out!

The naked truth are always better than the best dressed lies.

I finally know the true story.
Sorry for saying all the bad things about u.
I promised to myself that I'll be more careful next time.

Thanks, friends.
I'm glad to have u! :)