Friday, November 20, 2009

Making our own assumptions.

went out to mcD with my bestie that day.
but only for a while.
lama gila tak jumpa dia.
damn. miss her loads!
so, we talked about sooooo many things.
im kinda jealous when i heard that she's kinda close with her friends there.
haha pelik je.
but nothing serious pun lah. hee :D

somehow we do talked about our "friendship" thingy.
like i mentioned in my previous post.
im pretty shocked, after heard the latest story. *sighs
so, we think and think over this, and finally, we found the conclusion.
what my bestie thought is the same thing as what my housemates said.
exactly the same.
told my another two besties, a.k.a my ex-neighbour & my ex-classmate, they also said the same thing.
its unbelievable, u know.
but i dont really know whether it is true or not.
just let the time decide.

oh i forgot to snap pictures with her.
haish. selalu je lupa

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