Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ikea, here we come!

well, dah lama sgt tak kua 1family.
so we [just six of us, haikal's excluded] went to ikea, to buy some plants for mama's mini garden.
garden? cehh, poyo je.
haha so we fetch farah at imu first then we headed to damansara.

its a crowd there, full with people.
i planned to buy table lamp, so we took a survey.
but mama said, "k.i.v first. next time beli"
urghh! geram je.

oh then we saw this cute little gal. comel, kan?

and we continued walking.

poyo je :D

jihan liked this little chair. how cute, isnt it?

mama n ayah. muka tension je. haha

see? lastly we bought 5 kind of plants.
penat je jalan.
tp beli neh je. haish

dah dah, will be continued....

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