Friday, November 27, 2009

Raya haji.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all muslims!

will go to terengganu aft solat jumaat.
then monday balik johor pula.
will spend about 5days at johor.
its quite long.
but its okay, johor best! agaga =p

alright, got to go.
got loads of things to do.
till then. take care, friends!
i love you! ;)

A crazy night.

my two little sister slept together with me.
oh i mean, dorg menyibuk nak tdo sama. heesh
pstu bukannya tdo awal pun.
pot pet pot pet je manjang.

oh we snap a few pictures together.
take a look :)

now, close ur eyes.

shut ur mouth =p

oh, ini jihan gedik.

last but not least, picture of me! :D
sorry buruk. nak tdo dah pun.

im kind of sleepy that time.
its 3am.
shamin dah lama tdo.
when im about to sleep, jihan disturb me.

jihan ; kak fajin nak tdo dah ke?
me ; haah, nape?
jihan ; ala jgn la tdo dulu. jihan tak boleh tdo la..
me ; asal xle tdo pulak? slalu jihan yg tdo awal. pukul9 je dh tdo.
jihan ; yela, td mse kt kedai makan tu jihan minum nescafe ice, sebab tu la tak ngntuk.
me ; yg jihan g minum air tu buat apa?
jihan ; yela, sebab jihan nak tdo lewat.
me ; eh jap, mana jihan tawu minum nescafe tahan ngantuk?
jihan ; jihan tawu laa, mama bgtwu.
me ; *lol. dah mcm org tua, pandai minum nescafe.
jihan ; jom la tgk tv kt bwh, pstu masak maggi mcm kak fajin buat dgn shamin haritu.
me ; malass. dah tdo tdo. zzzzzzzz

haha mmg dah malas gle nk layan time tu.
bukan apa, mmg dah mengantuk sgt.
patut la dia tahan ngantuk, rupanya nak join ktorg tdo lambat masa haritu.
but sorry jihan, malam tu mmg ngantuk gle.
ahaha bukan rezeki dia. wee

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ikea, here we come!

well, dah lama sgt tak kua 1family.
so we [just six of us, haikal's excluded] went to ikea, to buy some plants for mama's mini garden.
garden? cehh, poyo je.
haha so we fetch farah at imu first then we headed to damansara.

its a crowd there, full with people.
i planned to buy table lamp, so we took a survey.
but mama said, "k.i.v first. next time beli"
urghh! geram je.

oh then we saw this cute little gal. comel, kan?

and we continued walking.

poyo je :D

jihan liked this little chair. how cute, isnt it?

mama n ayah. muka tension je. haha

see? lastly we bought 5 kind of plants.
penat je jalan.
tp beli neh je. haish

dah dah, will be continued....

Friday, November 20, 2009

Making our own assumptions.

went out to mcD with my bestie that day.
but only for a while.
lama gila tak jumpa dia.
damn. miss her loads!
so, we talked about sooooo many things.
im kinda jealous when i heard that she's kinda close with her friends there.
haha pelik je.
but nothing serious pun lah. hee :D

somehow we do talked about our "friendship" thingy.
like i mentioned in my previous post.
im pretty shocked, after heard the latest story. *sighs
so, we think and think over this, and finally, we found the conclusion.
what my bestie thought is the same thing as what my housemates said.
exactly the same.
told my another two besties, a.k.a my ex-neighbour & my ex-classmate, they also said the same thing.
its unbelievable, u know.
but i dont really know whether it is true or not.
just let the time decide.

oh i forgot to snap pictures with her.
haish. selalu je lupa