Monday, August 31, 2009

A few changes.

well, this is not the real me, actually.
he made me changed. so drastically.
said that he need time, to make our relationship becomes better.
but heck, he didnt.
he make it even worse.
he lied to me. and hell i believed.
why am i so stupid?
for falling in love with a jerk like him?

arep said that i need to leave him.
so that it would be less hurt for me.
but i still, give him another chances.
why am i being so nice with him?
although he never appreciate it. never, at all.

now, the truth is revealed.
and im really hurt.
its such a heartache.
everything is over now.
i need to make a move.
waiting for him, its like waiting for a rain in a drought.
hopeless, and disappointed.

friends, help me.
help me out from this grief.
i trust u, friends.
only u guys can make me feel better.
and thanks.
thanks 4 always be there by my side.
i love you!

and u, boy..

Please, leave me alone
Get out of my face
I'm tired of love
Feeling so misplaced
Time for you to go
'Cause I know I'm better off on my own, oh
Leave me alone

The Veronicas, Leave Me Alone.


Asyikin Isa said...

shit. laki tu sangat rude. so stupid, so $%^&*((
fajin, be strong.
but heyy i'm in love.

fajrin said...

yes, i know.
huhu maybe ths is our fate.
redha je lah :(

heyy ure fallin in love?
dah pulak.
dgn siapa?
ngee :D