Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Eid Mubarak .

hey people,
Selamat Berpuasa!
eventhough dah puasa ke-8, but still, not too late right?
haha nway, im back home!
waaa rinduuu!
my blog! aduih. lama sudah tidak update.
masalah besar neh.
dah la for the past 2weeks neh, mcm2 bnda jd.
aihh. mana nak start? aigoo~

last week, almost overnight lua with my housemates.
but seperate ways.
nazira & ika, lepak KL with their scandal.
lela, join me at first, but then jmpa her boyf at masjid jamek.
then she planned nk overnight with her classmates.
me? dgn 3guys. aduih.
lepak pavi, tgk movie til 2am.
dgn siapa? arif, ejat, n cousin ejat.
cane kenal dorg? huh its a long story, i bet u.
but arif, godd.
no words can describe him.
gila caring. tp jahat. suka buli.
ada ke dia kata i bdk2 lg. geram tol.

haha but then, dorg ckp nk overnight o nak balik?
then i said, hantar i balik je la.
dorg risau gak actually, since if i balik, tkde spe kt hostel.
sume org overnight lua.
but mse tu tak pk apa dah. yg penting nk balik.
lalu dpn sri ayu, tgk gate dh kunci.
confirm guard byk tnya nnt. adess.
last2, suruh dorg drop tepi petronas.
situ ada lg 1gate. tp agak scary. wuhh~
then panjat gate. alhamdulillah lepas.

smpi je blik, ejat text.
tnya dh lepas blm.
then i said, im safe. no need to worry :)
few minutes aft that, arep pulak text.
then he called.
ok, borak lama gila kot.
since 3am til subuh.
gila. smpi miss sahur.
oh lupa, its the 1st ramadhan time tu.
huhu and til now, we're still keep in touch with each other :D

the conclusion is, im happy!


Asyikin Isa said...

sum1 fall inlove....
i bet its you... hahahaa

fajrin said...

ekin, xmo kecoh2 aw.
its our secret.
hee :D