Sunday, April 19, 2009

What a hectic day!

saturday. mmg sgt busy.
td table pun full. and ktorg mcm tak cukup tgn.
but thank god there's another 2staff joined us.
so takde lah mcm berat sgt.

nothing much happened today.
the big boss is still didnt come.
but her son, yes. just now he came in, and eat.
ada lah tu dia nk complain.
hm got this white man & woman. oh its a couple.
when i passed by, the white man called me.
he said that he wanted the earl grey tea.
and then he said something, but it wasnt clear.
so asked him, "excuse me?"
and he repeated. but still, i didnt understand.
pekat betul english accent dia. haih.
but Tekman cover. oh thank god.

got back home.
supposed to meet him after work, but tak jadi.
he got another thing to do :(
just now, had a barbecue with the neighbors.
alhamdulillah, kenyang sgt.
me & mira, we talked a lot with abg fauzi.
he got a sense of humor.
ahah sooo funny! we talked about korean drama for sure [boys over flower].
he said that he already watched it til the end.
ohh mana bolehh! tak aci laah.
haha and another thing is, he always said one of the character's name, jihun instead of jihu.
lols =p selalu ketawa pasal tu ;)

after finished, went inside the house.
and oh, farah just arrived home from KLIA.
she just got back from Australia.
and she brought loads of things.
most important thing is, chocolates! haha yeayyy! ;)
she bought me a purse! its roxy. white in colour. aihh love it!
but i want the shirt too. but farah said, pilih nak yg mana. satu je.
then she said better if i take the purse. cz its more expensive compare to the shirt.
purse, $50. shirt, $5.
hahah. see the difference? so i chose the purse.

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