Saturday, April 18, 2009

How lucky I am..

okay. today was soo busy.
got so many customers.
til i have to run a little bit. oh god.
no more walking, standing and relaxing.
semua macam kelam kabut. aaaaa pening!

Fadzillah, a.k.a bistro manager, told me that the big boss is coming later today.
oh oh. yesterday her son's already came.
and guess what? he's handsome! and wow, gorgeous! tinggi pula tu.
*im melted. bwahahah ;)
at first, i thought the big boss is a man.
but nope, its a woman.
i asked Fadzillah, how does her face looks like?
and she said, "laa, gambar dia kan ada kt almari yg ada work schedule tu"
so i quickly opened the almari, and whoaa! scaryyy.
lols =p. jahat je. kan?
my first impression is, she looks like a witch.
macam mak Junpyo.
hahah just kidding. tak baik je ckp macam tu.
i mean she's beautiful, tp muka macam garang sikit la. ngee =D

at 5pm, when i was about to leave, my parents came.
its a big shock, u know.
haha they asked me to eat along with them.
but Fadzillah said, "fajin g amik staff meal then makan kt table number3. tak boleh makan dgn parents, kejap lg boss sampai"
so i told my parents about it. and they said, "hmm tkpe lah"
good for me! balik before boss datang. yeayy!
tkde lah nk mengadap muka dia.
wahahah. how lucky am I. right? =)

after finished eating, we went to Pizza Hut.
Haikal mengidam pizza. gedik tol. we ordered the pizza [takeaway], then we left.
wanted to buy some other stuff.
and mum asked me to buy a compact powder.
so i bought myself the johnson & johnson pure mild compact powder.
its good for young's skin, i guess.
i said to mum, "ma, loreal?"
then mum said, "tak sesuai lah. awak kulit muda"
err okayy.

after buying things, we seperate.
cz i drove another car.
tu lah, i said to mum, "npe tak ckp awal2 nak dtg? kalau tawu td xyah drive g kerja. g naik bus. then balik sama2"
mum said, "hm tu la. mama pun lupa nk ckp dgn awk. dah tkpe lah. awk drive. elok2 bwk kete tu"
heh. macam la sy baru sehari dapat lesen. hahah =p

oh when i got back home,
mum said, "fajin, td mse mama lalu dpn Lavender nk amik pizza, tmpt keje awk tu blackout"
and i was like huh?? haha kenapa la i dh tkde time tu. kalau tak boleh rasa mcm mana kerja kt tmpt gelap.
ngahahah ;)


Azman Niaga Enterprise said...

crazy youh!!

Asyikin Isa said...

lawak sey! muka mcm mak junpyo?
naughty gila!