Sunday, April 12, 2009

Still, together =)

things are getting better. alhamdulillah.
on the phone with him, last night.
he asked me to call.
he said that he still want to be with me.
and and, he'll ignore her.
cukup utk buat saya happy :)
he also said that he wanted to sing a song for me. with guitar, yes.
but tak jadi, cz guitar dlm rumah. and he's inside the car.
so i tell him nevermind lah. nyanyi je. tkde guitar pn tkpe. lagi bagus, kot.
then he asked me, "mcm mana nk nyanyi lagu tanpa music?"
i was like, err. tp if nyanyi without music, kte boleh dga suara org tu live, kan? and lebih jelas.
haha then dia kata tkpe. next time je ;)
but things are not like before.
ada sedikit perubahan, actually.
i had to get used to it. well yea, it takes time. aihh

thanks to naly anyway.
for always being there whenever i need u.
*saya pegang janji tu, kay =p
he supposed to talk with me last night,
but mse tu tga on the phone with him.
and he understand.
then i text him. no respond.
tido, kot.
haha pagi td tgk, ada msg from naly.
said that he'd fall asleep last night.
hm dah agak dah. its okay, naly ;)

today is saturday, right?
goshh. one day left. monday dah start kerja.
omg. seriously mcm tak percaya.
RHB account pun belum buat lg. injection pun tak amik lg.
mcm mana neh? haih.
kalau la ayah tak delete account tu dulu, kan senang.
dah ada dah skrg. xyah sibuk nk pk buat account sume.
hm about the injection?
semalam call klinik kesihatan, dia kata ubat utk injection tu tkde stock.
so mum called dr. rosnah, a.k.a our neighbour.
she said, if nk buat boleh. but its 65rm.
haha agak mahal lah, kan?
so i called poh sim [lavender manager] just now.
told her about that thing.
and she said, ohh if cmtu tkpe lah. u dtg je kerja, nnt i bwk u pegi inject kt tmpt yg murah, ok?
ahaha thank god. so nice of her, kan? xyah pening2 nk pk.
one problem is solved. *winks

but but, pimples pula makin naik.
ya allah, geramnyaa.
time neh juga la dia gatal naik kt muka.
sakitnya hati. mcm nak berus je bagi hilang.


Anonymous said...

hehe good 4 u then!

hidayah adie ismail said...

jumpe gak blog ko erk!
gaduh pe wit ur bf?
pe2 p0n miss u a lot!

fajrin said...

heyyy i miss u a lot too!
hahah ;)
gaduh? err its a long story, adie :(
anyway, bila kte boleh jumpa?

Asyikin Isa said...

fajen berus la kau nak tengok pimples kau tu hilang tak? hehe