Sunday, April 5, 2009

Let it remain this way.

I've been scolded by dad, just now. when he's eating on dining table.
im shocked. terkejut sgt. jantung rasa mcm terhenti seketika.
kena marah sebab apa?
sebab pecahkan botol minyak gamat.
godd. i didnt realize it.
i opened the fridge, and suddenly the little bottle dropped off.
nasib baik tak kena kepala.
then ayah tinggi suara sume. kaca bersepah la, mata tak awas la, yada yada yada.
malas nak cerita. nnt nangis lg. urghh damn.
seriously, it hurts.
tak suka gila kena marah.
and when i mopped the floor, the tears kept falling down.
i was like, "sabar, Fajin. tahan. jgn nangis kt sini. jgn nangis depan ayah. malu"
after i finish cleaned the floor, i quickly ran to upstairs.
ah before that, ayah said softly, "fajin, ckp kt jihan tu suruh makan"
dalam hati, i was like, ckp ah sendiri. td marah2. mengada tol.
tp tak ckp apa2 pun. bia dia faham sendiri.

so i went to mama's room.
cz usually i'll complained to her about ayah scolding me, etc etc.
and mama will back up.
but things aren't going that way.
im alone. mama's out.
doing facial at slimming sanctuary with auntie normah.
urghh for god's sake! i need u!

then i burst into tears. sumpah tak tahan sgt.
i quickly called him.
only him can make me feel better.
yes, he have that power.
first call, tkde org angkat.
second time, ada. i thought it was him.
tp bukan. its fakhrul.
i asked him, "faiz mana?"
then he said, "faiz tgh drive la fajin, kenapa?"
i terus hung up the phone.
geram, sgt. kenapa time2 mcm ni dia tkde?
i gave him a message.
"kenapa faiz slalu je tkde time fajin btl2 perlukan dia? fajin tension sgt. if cmni kte break je lah. fajin tak tahan, faiz"
i dont know whether i really mean it, or not.
i mean the "breakup" thingy.
serabut sgt time tu. sampai xle nk fikir good things dah.
mcm nk mengamuk kt semua org. cm tahi, kan?

so i called intan.
i dont know why. she was the first person been on my mind.
and thank god she's there.
so i told her about, everything [while crying]
she told me to relax. and she asked me about the breakup msg which i gave to faiz just now.
"kau serious ke nk break dgn dia? kau syg dia, kan? kenapa ckp mcm tu?"
then i said, "i dont know, intan. tp dgn keadaan skrg neh, aku rse better if ktorg break. dia mcm slalu je dgn kwn2 dia. aku bengang, tau. ingat semua dh ok cz ktorg dh gaduh teruk haritu psl benda neh juga. tp tak. tu yg geram sgt tu. dia tawu pulak marah bila aku kua dgn korg sume. and dia kata aku tkde mse utk dia la. so skrg neh spe yg tkde mse utk spe intan?"
god, i crap a lot.
i just said the things that have been on my mind all this while.
intan said she understands me.
and she told me to relax first, and think carefully about my relationship with him.
time tu juga lah battery flat. so i said, "nnt kte ckp lg kay?"

and yea, ive been waiting for his respond.
dia tak reply pun msg td tu.
busy sgt kott.
huhuhu then i texted qusya.
told her about the breakup msg.
but she didnt reply. busy juga, maybe. cz earlier that day she said she's going to someone's wedding. haihh.
suddenly i fell asleep. penat nangis, kot. lgpun cuaca suram.
hujan. mmg sedap la tido, kan?
but terjaga cz dga bunyi msg yg sgt la kuat. hishh annoying betul.
so i woke up, took my phone and read the msg.
from, mafia. "fajin, kenapa ckp mcm tu? call faiz, please. faiz tkde credit"

so i called him. and he's trying to fix everythings up.
he said, "fajin btl2 ke maksudkan benda tu td?"
i said, "i dont knoww"
he asked, "fajin kenapa ni sbnanya? ada masalah ke?"
and i began to cry. oh airmata, kenapa lah sng sgt nk kua.
i told him about ayah.
and i was like a crybaby. sumpah. nangis teruk, tak boleh tahan.
then he said, "laa dh agak dah. mst dia ada masalah. sebab tu ckp yg bukan2. hm dh la syg. jgn mcm ni, please. faiz risau. psl ayah tu, kejap lg dia ok la. ni dh makan belum?"
i said, "belum. tak makan dr pagi. lapar, tp xle nak makan"
and we talked for another 5mins. tak lama pun.
cz sakit dada actually. mcm susah je nk ckp.

after on the phone, there's a msg from qusya.
hehe i told her not to worry anymore, cz everything is just fine.
and oh, lupa nak reply msg intan =)

haihh. thank god things are getting better.
but there's a thing that im worried about.
how long this relationship will lasts?
mcm takut sikit dgn keadaan skrg.
tp tkpe lah, its better than nothing, kan?
hehe :)

nway, thanks intan. and qusya.
cz always be there whenever i need u.
sayang korg ketat2, tau ;)

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