Friday, April 3, 2009

Listen, people.

im curently switched off my phone.
fought with him. yes, again.
its been 2nights in a row, he went out with his friends.
and came back home, late.
around 3am?
and yea, ive been waiting 4 him til i fall asleep.
cz he said tht he'll text me whenever he's free.
he also said tht it wont take a long time.
cz he wanted to spend the nights with me.
but hell, no.
he didnt keep his words.
im pissed off.

im awakened by his calls, last night.
but i ignored him.
his msgs, and his calls.
im just thought of, lets play fair and square, right?
may he feel what i feels.

but somehow, he called me again, just now.
so i went upstairs, and called him back.
but he was sOoo mad.
he yelled at me.
of course, there were a few cursing.
*im not happy about it. damn!
im just, being silent.
he asked me where i've been, why i didnt pick up his calls, and didnt reply any of his msgs, etc etc.
i dont know whats the best answer to give him.
so i just said, "sorry"
then he hang up. pffffttttttt!

im just, so mad.
off the phone, yes.
that was the best way i guess.
ok now, tell me.
who's to be blamed?
me or him?
who's fault is it?
godd. i really dont understand.
he shouldnt be mad.
i am the one who should.

oh tears, hold on.
please dont cry.
not now, please.

ya allah, bantulah aku.
tenangkan lah fikiranku yg kusut ini.
engkau lembutkan lah hati dia.
supaya dia cepat mengaku kesalahannya.
aku tidak berdaya untuk menyalahkannya.
kerana aku terlalu menyayangi dirinya.

status : still off phone. bye bye friends! and, im sorry :(

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