Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey, Zul =)

I met her, just now. at kfc.
its urmm, unplanned meeting.
haha last 2nights, i gave her a msg.
telling her that ive been missed her so much. and hope to see her a.s.a.p
so she called me this morning, but tak angkat.
i still laid on my bed, sleeping.
haha malas betul nak bangun.
maklumlah, tgh cuti. hehe :D

so she told me tht she'll come to her sis's house.
which is nearer to mine.
oh oh, zul is currently stays at shah alam, with her parents.
her full name is Zulaikha bt Mahfal.
but i called her zul.
and just now, she said tht i am the only person who called her "Zul"
cz she said, her family called her "Ika" and her friends called her "Zu"
so i said back, "haha yeke? aku sorg je eh? hehe best apa. baru lah special cket"

its been 4years.
yupp, 4years we didnt met each other.
she was my closest bestfriends when i was in form1 & form2.
but she moved to shah alam when we're in form3.
god. how sad it was.
but im glad to have her as one of my bff.
and we almost lost contact.
cz she lost her phone.
but thank god she still remembered my home number.

so we talked, a lot.
talk about our memories back then.
she's always been scolded by a teacher named Habibah.
of course, we called her as "bibah" or worse, "si kepala besar"
haha how bad we were, right?

but but,
we can only talked for about an hour.
cz mum said i need to send jihan & shamin to school.
urghhh damn!
so we bid goodbye.
aaaa sedih gila! dah la lama tak jumpa.
td tu pun dia ponteng kerja.
im sorry, Zul.
next time kte kua, kay? i love you.
and i miss you :)


Iena said...

aku panggil die pon zul jugak la..

aku report...!!!

fajrin said...

haha ek? tak perasan pulak.
tp dia ckp cmtu. nk buat cmne? hehe :D

err wehhh!
xmo aa bgtwu sape2.
hoho =p