Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My first day as a Lavender staff.

I worked at 12noon til 8.30pm.
well, kinda exhausted, definitely.
had to stand up. cannot sit at all. uhh!
but but, had a break for 30mins. only
tak boleh lambat. nnt dpt 1st warning letter, and tolak gaji.
oh god.
but they provide a staff meal.
got 6rm off. so i can pick any bread that i wanted. *nyum nyum ;)
and and, ice lemon tea, free.
guess how much its cost? 4.90rm. its just a drink anyway. hush

so, ive been in charge on bistro.
bistro and cake shop is a different section.
so i cant be at cake shop. my part is only at the bistro.
eventhough its under the same roof . lols
got 2manager there.
Poh Sim [cake shop] and Fadzillah [bistro]
all the staff there were so friendly.
Raby is the person who taught me. first thing, he teach me the basic one.
table number. got 26table overall. and i have to remember the table position.
kadang2 tu confuse juga. meja2 tu bukannya ikut turutan. tah macam mana tah. susah nak explain. haih
and then he showed me where the cutleries is stored, and what the uses of small fork and byk lagi lah. basic things.

my job right now is, to serve customer.
and the person who worked with me is Raby, Tekman and Ho Yong Ling.
Raby & Tekman, both of them are from Nepal.
dua2 handsome. tp Tekman mcm sweet sgt.
masa mula2 tu dia mcm malu2. hehe comell
*had a crush on him. lols =p
and and, got this one person [kitchen chef] always smiles at me.
haha baik juga dorg.
Ho pula, sebaya. he got 7a's for SPM. but tak apply mana2 IPTA.
i asked him, "whyyy?"
he said, "i dont know. i thought it was expire already [the due date]. so dah terlambat, kan?"
i said, "haha yea. but then u nk masuk apa lepas neh?"
he said that he'll be joining form6.
haih, sayang, kan?

oh oh. got this one customer [regular customer kot]. he's a malay, middle age.
he asked me, "new staff ke?"
then i said, "haah :)"
suddenly, he called me. i came nearer.
then he said, "screwdriver ada?"
i said, "pardon?"
he replied, "screwdriver". much clearer.
then i was like, "huh? nak buat apa?"
then he laughed. "toothpick la dikk"
i was like, "ohhh. hahaha okay"
well, i dont know where the hell the toothpick is.
nak tanya, masing2 busy serve customer.
so i just pick a container of toothpick, and give it to him.
then dia buat muka macam, salah neh.
then my manager came. and that person told her everything, while laughing, yes.
i mcm dah nervous. apa yg dorg ckp neh?
then my manager said, "fajin, bukan yg ni la. toothpick yg ni utk dapur. utk customer lain"
and they laughed.
i was like, okayy. but blurr gilaa. hahah

when i was doing some work, i noticed mcm ada org pandang2.
i look outside, and i saw Pika & Khalishah is waving at me, and ketawa2.
jahat kan dorg? omg segan gilaa.
so i smiled to them then sambung balik buat kerja. hahah.
and and, guess what?
Faiz, Faisal & Pali also came.
they're laughing at me. *blushed
then they came in. i saw them filled up the form.
maybe they asked for a job. and i was like, omg! aaaaaa!
Faiz called me to come nearer.
but i didnt. i said to him that i cant. uh uh sorry =(

and lots thing happened.
what can i say? its my first experience ;)
best. tapi ya allah. kaki sakit nak mam.
gila pedih. sebab pinjam kasut mira. and then size mcm muat2.
so my thumb nail tu mcm tersepit.
fuhh sakit gilaaa. tahan je la. balik rumah, my thumb nail jd pucat.
and sampai skrg tak baik lagi.

anyway, this is my working schedule.
Monday : 12pm ~ 8.30pm
Tuesday to Thursday : 12pm ~ 5pm
Friday : Not on duty
Weekend : 12pm ~ 5pm

yeayyy! guess what does it means?
i can go to the barbecue!!
hahah. this saturday ktorg [the neighbours] plan nk buat bbq.
so haritu ingat mcm tak boleh pegi. cz kerja.
but after seeing my schedule, i was like, yeayyy!
hehehe :D


hidayah adie ismail said...

0o0 am0i...
suda dpt kelija haa...
pas ni trun kl blanja aku, k...

fajrin said...

amoi?? bwahahah. comel kott ;)
yup yupp.
im trying my best to perform well.
so that gaji up lah sikit, kan?
hehe :D
oh oh, turun kl?
boleh boleh.
sleepover at ur house?
boleh ke? ;)