Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Big deal.

i hate this 1gal.
called her MC. she'a a chinese.
why i hate her? simple.
just now i forgot to bring my apron.
then she told Poh Sim about it.
diam2 je dah aa. kuat mengadu tol.
i got scolded. bukan scold la actually.
tegur and nasihat.
ala, dh tertinggal. nak buat mcm mana?
tp semalam pula tertinggal cap.
gila malang betul nasib.
kenapa kau, fajin? dah nyanyuk ke? aigoo~
Raby take a break for 1hour. he went back to his hostel, and sleep.
after he came back, he told me that just now when he sleep, he had a dream about me.
i was like, "u're lying eh?"
then he said, "no, its true. its u in my dream"
muka dia mcm serious gila kot.
at first i thought he was joking.
but bila dia ckp mcm tu, okayy dah pelik.
so i went to another place.
larikan diri drpd dia.
dlm hati mcm, "ee asal dia mimpi aku pulak?"
tak suka betul.

then, got this 1chinese family. the man asked for chilli sauce. and i took it for him. suddenly he said, "u're a chinese or malay?" i replied, "me? im a malay lah. why?" then he said, "malay aa? why u didnt speak malay?" i was like, whats wrong with that? but i just smiled. then he said, "kenapa? sudah takmau jd melayu lg aa?" haha gila betul. its not like that. dh byk kali mcm tu. ada certain customer siap speaking chinese lg. apa dorg ingat aku neh chinese apa ke? urghh.

later that evening, Fadzillah gone. she'll be at JB for 3days. tomorrow i'll had the opening lessons with Poh Sim. aihh. things are getting harder :( oh oh, when im taking a break yesterday, Fadzillah said to me that the kitchen chef had a crush on me. cz he always look at me, and smile widely. i dont know anything about it. she's kidding, i guess. hahah yea! tp mcm notice juga, kdg2 tu he stare at me. ishh tah la. scaryy. pagi tadi mse mula2 dtg, he smiled and said, "morningg ;)" lol funny!

my work schedule for this week is changed.
Monday : 12pm ~ 8.30pm
Tuesday to Thursday : 9.30am ~ 6pm
Friday : Not on duty
Weekends : 10.30am ~ 7pm
will work for 8hours++ from now onwards.
hah! BIG DEAL. penat mcm tahi.


Asyikin Isa said...

alah relax la fajin. keja mmg camtuh.[except me]

iena said...


thats y aku tanak keja kedai makan ke..


Fa said...

perasannnnnnnnnnnnn nak mampos. wakkakakakaka

alyp nazreen said...

kaw xrase kerja sakae sushi..
lg igt aku ni jepun?

tp setahun lepas punye cerita la kn.
mse kerja dlu.

fajrin said...

haha alep, lawak kot bila org pk kte neh bangsa lain. haishh