Thursday, May 19, 2011





/literally abusing the play button/

Sunday, May 15, 2011

110515 Hyuk's tweet.

Trans ; We're going to Japan!!!! 

Omg hyuk adfghagsfgh this is SO CUTE ide omg eunhae OTP forever ship this couple ;A;

Eunhae so cute can u not f hae omg my bb why so adorable sahgjks he looks small in here aww my shorty :') 

I love both of them ok no jokes.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A lil' smth bout SS3..

Now that Super Show 3 Asia Tour has officially ended aft their last stop in Vietnam, I swear to god I really miss those moments.. Every single thing bout it.
Oh btw I just realized that I haven't update ANYTHING fr both ss3 sg and msia that I went to lol forgive me I was too busy :D 
But gaiz, I personally think that SJ really been blessed by god. Idky but if u do notice, every super show in diff countries rains. 
Even in vietnam w the furreaaaaking hot weather last week, it ends up raining. And it happens when SJ's performing on the stage. Its an outdoor stage so hm the boys literally got drenched by the rain ;__; 
Teuk fall sick that night aft the show sobs and other boys too T.T
Remember my previous post of ss3 guangzhou? It rains too, right? Even in sg and msia. It rains all the time in sg omg the weather is fking cold aft ss3 sg 2nd show ended I was all wet bcz wanna catch a taxi lol omg f I need to stop nw feels like crying omg dnw to talk bout ss3 anymore too sad ah fking miss these moments 
*crying forever* 

110513 Hae's tweet.

Sobs hae did u edit this by yourself omg its cute bb I love these sparkles it looks good on u ;)
He said that it's raining in Taiwan and he feel restless omg I TOLD U TO GET SOME REST RIGHT? 
Sighs all I could do is just sit here and watch him suffer OTL :___;

If only I could give him a massage...

The Pearl Sapphire Blue Ocean.

From SS3 Seoul to Veitnam..

*click image to enlarge*

Omg so beautiful I cant even.. Asfghsjlkahj its too wonderful & amazing omg I am literally crying ;___;

ELFs bleed the pearl sapphire blue color omg GREATEST FANDOM ever!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Before I forgot..

Gaizzzz I just remembered that I do not update my blog that much so if you really looking forward of my updates please visit my current obsessed websites!!! ^^

I tweeted more than writing a status on my fb so here's my twitter link

I just make myself a tumblr too well it's basically about k-pop esp SJ hehe but I called this as my second blog


So hm why the title is AFGHJKLS haha this is because I couldn't say the right things cz I'm sooooooooooooo excited yet so nervous omg omg omggggg it's just few hours away before I'm off to Singapore damn I can't even put my heart at ease! Donghae, I really can't wait to see you gosh Super Junior members, can't wait to see you guys perform on stage and ELF, yeah beautiful ELF, can't wait to scream our lungs out for our lovely boys!!!!!

Oh God I am so in a fangirl-ing mood shit what is happening to meeee!!!! Lol xDDD

Btw I'll not be updating much since it will be real hard for me to keep online so guys wait for me kay I'll update my blog soon!!!! ^^


Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's just 2 days away to SS3 SG and...

I injured myself. That was the stupidest act, ever. Even I wasn't doing it on purpose I'm still, blaming myself. Yeah it's my fu**ing fault that I slipped and fell.

Went to see the doctor for the 3rd times. But this time I did an x-ray. Doctor said the x-ray shows that my butt bone bended inwards. Nice! So how am I going to Singapore with my pathetic condition like this? -,-

Hm the worst thing is, mum asked me to go back home this Saturday and go to SMC with her and dad. Okay my bus schedule is on that day fghjklsgh!!!! I keep on thinking on how am I going to lied mum about me going to SG haish.

Thank goodness dad called me just now and he asked when I'll go to see the specialist. I replied, "mum told me this Saturday." I said to him, "dad can I go to SMC this Friday?" He said, "I worked until late night hm asked mum to go with you." I added, "can I just go by myself cz I can't go back home this weekend since I got group assignments to discuss." Dad said, "hm okay then  ask for your friend's help to drive you there."

OMGGGGGGG GREAT THING EVERRRR!!!! Love you dad! And mum, too. But in this situation, dad is much more easier for me to discuss with :DDDDDD

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

They said..

Out to dinner with housemates just now. I often make sounds like ahhh! ouch! aww! well yeah since my butt hurts if I over moved. And they said, "fajin do you still wanna go to Singapore?" I replied, "of courseeee!" Hm  the thing is, they said that this is like the bad sign for me to go to SG this weekend since I don't have the "restu" from my parents. Yeah they know nothing bout me going to SG for a concert. Super Junior's concert. Idk what they'll respond if they know bout this oh God I'm such a dead meat -.-

Hmm the things that they said bout the bad sign really bothers me. I even think bout it now. Who said I'm not worried? Sighs it actually scares me. Anything can happen during the journey gosh I'm praying for the best hopefully I'll safely arrive..

It's just 5days away to SS3 SG and I'm afghjkls exicted!!!!!! I really need to recover ASAP okay I mean it. Please pray for me too! Thanks in advance! ^^

Bad luck :(

I slipped and fell in the toilet last night sobs my butt hurts like asfghjk >.< I can't even sit, get up and even walk properly ohmygod why now whyyyyy?!! Mum asked me to see the doctor and I went to Az-Zahrah that night and the doctor was like hm... She just give me an injection and painkiller pills. Couldn't do the x-ray since its already late and it was closed already. Laila said she not being satisfied with the doctor's consultation and yeah I do agree cz she didn't even checked my body =.=

This afternoon I went to government hospital. At first I just wanna accompany Laila cz she's having red dots on her body we doesn't sure what it is but Ieka said it might be chicken pox. Lol her facial expression changed its really funny to see her like that XD Then Laila asked me to check my body too. I did, and once again, couldn't do the x-ray cz the machine is broken oh God do you know how curious I am bout my butt bones condition? But the doctor is much more better than the previous one she said if I had a bone fracture I couldn't walk or move at all! Fuhh I'm relieved.. Thank goodness I still can walk. She gave me an mc for 2days sighs I'll miss my studies! Like, A LOT! :(

p/s ; please be extra careful on a WET floor kaythanksbye.