Monday, May 24, 2010

Whyyyy!! ;(

i guess this week is just a bad week. cried for most of the time. i dont know why, but i just cant hold on my tears. it flows out naturally. reading and watching all of these stuff is enough to make me, urgh cant describe it by words. it's just, too sad ;(

gila babi menangis when i watched this video. eventhough its just an audio, but i still can hear the sad voices, all of the ELF and SuJu members cried as well. the situation is just, aihh i can imagine it. the sadness are all over the place! T____T i cant help myself but cried when i heard kangin's voice. guess i've been missing him too much! and so the other two missing members, hangeng and kibum. when kangin gave the speech, i can hear all of the members especially teukie and heechul, and the ELFs cried out loud. kangin himself, cried as well.

i really miss you oppa! i hope u'll be doing very well in the national service. wish you all the best! 2years more, right? don't worry, we, the ELFs will always be here, waiting for you. waiting for you to perform with another 12members. eventhough based on the hangeng's situation, i know it'll be damn impossible for him to get back into SuJu , i believe that someday, you'll be back together as thirteen. the same old THIRTEEN.


! Super Junior + ELFs = One

You will be my endless love <3 <3 <3


hai blog kesayangan saya! anda sihat? haha wtf. gila lama tak post blog. gahh. hm where should i start eh? since dah lama tak post so mcm awkward pula nak type. haha well as u can see, im just fine. enjoying this boring hols everr! but wait, it's not that bored since i got plenty of suju's video to watch. i do actually watched all of them but can't resist myself to watch it over and over again. i have to admit that it is my current addiction. and suju is my obsession!

well, there's sooooo much things happened lately. about suju? banyaakkkk! about me, myself? hurm have to think about it. banyak juga lah. i gained soo much weight ok it makes me look like a fatty bum bum! haha konon nak kurus, tah bila tah nak kurus kalau asyik nak melantak je. guessed im too happy sebab tu lah asyik makan je. pimples pun naik as usual. despite the fact that the pre menstrual syndrome , time tak period pun ada juga pimples. haish.

about my social life, hm so far relationship dengan semua orang ok saja. rindu dengan kawan2 lama. tah bila agaknya boleh jumpa. since lately i was too lazy sebab mcm dah melekat je dekat atas tilam dengan laptop yg penuh current news about my boys. in case i havent told u this yet, i didnt switch off my laptop since last week! just imagine! haha why? jangan tanya kenapa. hee :P

i rejected 4guys. im not in the mood into a relationship, seriously. my heart is belong to someone else. sorry, guys. who'd ask u to fall in love with me? duhh, cari la girl lain. im a bad person, u know. and please, dont force me to give u chances. once i told u that i dont want, i would forever stick to it. note that, please. dont hurt yourself. susah juga cakap dengan orang yang tak faham bahasa neh. reject cara kasar kang, mcm rude pula. reject cara baik, mintak peluang lah apa lah. so macam mana neh? hm pedulikan saja.

so what's my plan during this sem break? entah la. nak kerja tp 1month left. macam malas la pulak. tp nak buat apa kt rumah? dah la lately neh cuaca panas macam tahi. to the government, plant more trees, please? panas sangat sampai bangun berpeluh2. mcm baru lepas marathon. urghh!

ok lah i think thats all for now since my head didnt work that much. a sudden headache :(
from now on, i'll try to keep this blog alive, ok! hee :D

bonne nuit ^^