Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little things.

i didnt wrote much in this month.
but there's a lot of important thing happened, as usual.

earlier this month,
we went 4 a visit at pak usu's new house.
pak usu is mama's youngest brother.
so, i met d ribena girls.
umm it is pak usu's daughters.
oh they're sOooo cute!
the 1st one is auni [4years], 2nd mia [3years] & d last one is zara [ 1years]
but i was tired.
layan dorg penat, okay.
but still, i had a lot of fun with them.
hahaha rindu!

then, on 16th february,
i had a driving test by jpj.
i passed. alhamdulillah =)
but i thought i was failed.
cz d tester [jpj], urghhh annoying!
always told me to drive even faster.
im confused.
cz my driving instructor said d limit of speed at jln kampung must b less than 30km/h.
so i followed exactly as wht he said.
but the tester always like, "hah, tkde kereta tu. dah jln cepat. cepattt".
and "laju lagi.. cepat jalan"
god. he's a psycho.
urghhh sabar je.
and worse, i didnt do the U-turn.
he said, "aft roundabout tu terus patah balik litar. xyah buat U-turn"
huh confirm fail, i thought.

then, aft habis tu,
kena sign.
i saw d marks.
it was 8. yup, 8 out of 20.
pretty shocked, huh?
i started to feel like crying.
i showed d result paper to my driving instructor.
and he really thought that i was failed.
but, he showed me at the lulus & gagal box.
there's a tick in the lulus box.
im getting weird.
then he said, "awk dpt 18 laa. hehe lulus"
i was like, god! really?
hahaha yea,
tak npk num1 tu cz kena kt garisan.
hahahaha i was sooo happy then!
thank Allah (:

another thing,
intan gave me elmo.
she gave it to me inside her car, when im about to leave [in front of my house]
i know it was too expensive.
im shocked when she said, "fajin, amek neh"
i was like, huh? apa neh?
i peek into the plastic bag, and there's a elmo in it.
ohh. that was so nice of her.
and im touched. yes, i really does.
i thanked her.
she's so kind.
im glad to have such a nice person like her.

last weekend,
uncle fared a.k.a mira's dad,
asked my family to went out with his family.
to where? play bowling, of course.
so we played the game.
but my mum didnt joined us.
she had a cramp legs.
poor her.

so, ayah wins the game.
uncle fared 2nd, im 3rd, shamin 4th, aunty normah 5th.
and d last place goes to my bestie, mira!
hahaha she's being so mad.
being lose to my younger sister is not an acceptable 4 her, i guess.
pity pity her.
hehe she want to have another game.
but sorry mira.
its already 11pm.
and everyone seems to b tired.
its okay, next time then!

then we went to makan2 at a restaurant nearby.
while at d dining table,
mira said she want to played again.
then her dad said, "next time laa. kte pegi with d boys skali"
d boys that i meant was, her elder brothers.
n mine, too.
uncle fared said it'll be more fun.
urm i think so. hahaha

i think this is enough.
cant really remember d other things that happened.
hm till then! =)


27th february 09.

okay. here's the things went.
i drove the car yesterday evening.
my dad's car.
we [shamin, jihan & me] went to 7-eleven.
when i was about entering the main road,
i felt like i hit something.
cz shamin said "kak fajin! sakit lah"
yea, i feel it too.
jihan's at the back. she said, "kak fajin dah nk langgar india yg naik motor tu"
OMG. i did?
then shamin add, "kak fajin langgar lubang td. lubang besar"
god. i swear. i didnt notice it.
it was on my left side. i couldnt see anything.

when we reached home,
jihan hastily opened the door, to check outside the car.
then she said "kak fajin! habislaaa"
and shamin add "gila ahh"
oh god. i knew something terrible had happened.
so i went out.
and OH. MY. GOD.
theres a big, big & long scratch under the car's door.
and worst, kemek.
god. im scared to death.
im afraid that ayah will scold me if he know abt this.
im so dead. worse than dead.

so i said to them, "diam. jangan bgtwu mama & ayah. buat2 xtwu je"
then they said, "klw ayah perasan cmne?"
i replied, "ala buat bdo je aa. klw ayah tnya ckp je xtwu. tiba2 jd cmtu"
well, im not good at lying though.
but i have to. desperate moment.
tipu sunat.
im sorry ma, ayah =(

at night,
i told him about it.
and he said, better bgtwu.
sooner or later they'll find out.
and obviously they'll blame me.
since i was driving the car all the way yesterday.
but i said to him, i couldnt. i just cant.
telling them the truth? its a no-no.
its hard 4 me to do it.
i dont want to get scolded.
so i think the best way is to pretend like nothing had happened