Saturday, May 16, 2009


rindu blog mcm tahi!!
asyik tak sempat je nk update.
tell u what, soooo many things i want to share with u.
but ahh, its just, too many.
otak pun dh jd beban.
tp taktau where to start.
ala xyah cte la. malas la pula tbe2. hehe :D

oh oh, now Samantha in charge at the bistro.
Fadzillah go back to JB.
but she'll be back on next week [tuesday]. so, yuhuuuu!
happy gila wehh. Samantha scary kott.
tp dia ok actually. cuma byk mulut cket.
haha guess what? dorg sume call Samantha "big mother"
siot je. tak baik tol. haha

seriously penat. and tak tahan.
nak je resign. dah 3weeks in a row tak dpt off day.
whoaaaa come on! i need a break.
told Samantha already about the resignation.
its a 30days notice.
but she said if i wanted to give the resignation letter now, can, but my last day working will be on end of june.
oh god. im dying.
cz she said, lack of staff.
the new staff, a.k.a Luo Wei, is still very slow.
so mcm paper work tu sume dia xle buat.
wallawehh. maati.

oh oh, i am currently hate Raby.
not just only me, but Fadzillah also.
she said that Raby is too bossy. mengalahkan manager.
mcm dia je boss kt situ.
and yes, mmg btl pun.
ee seriously menyampah ngn dia. sgt la annoying.

well, so far everything goes very well.
not very well la, so-so.
i still love this job. but sometimes i need a break.
haritu j-card day worked for 12hours.
haih just imagine. customer dtg mcm air banjir.
non-stop. smpai kena queue.
tp ok la, at least ada benda nk buat.
if tkde customer boring tol. sangap je. huhuh

ok la, dah lewat neh.
will talk again later. taaa!